Glastonbury Torat Oracle


I found this new oracle called the Glastonbury Torat (not to be confused with the Glastonbury Tarot).
Here's a gallery of all the pictures.

I'm not really sure what to make of it...


that was one scary deck, like images from one of my nitemares.
interesting, but i don't think i could ever use it.


as an oracle, the images seemed to work very well. i did not find this deck to be too dark at all..... however imo it is one d@mn ugly deck! ok, so i did like the colors, lol. maybe it will grow on me.



Mh... looked nice at first glance but EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW *LOL*
Some cards are just spooky. Spooky and ugly and... they just stir me in a gutteral and disagreeable way... *LOL*

Zorya, did you have the deck? Or you got it recently?


WOW what an amazingly weird deck..I did the reading for it..and it was accurate..a new way to look at tarot i think..


One question: What has it got to do with Glastonbury?



Kiama said:
One question: What has it got to do with Glastonbury?
I got an email about this oracle deck because I had once entered my email address on the online readings website for the Glastonbury Tarot, which was (it has been closed down) maintained by a Barry Hoon, which appears to be one of the makers of this oracle.
That's the only "link" with Glastonbury that I can find... LOL


glastonbury deck

very strange and primal...beautiful in an unusual and otherworldly way...also somewhat repulsive...and fascinating...hypnotic...delves deep into the psyche...brought up more than any other deck I've used...great for intuitive reading...but it wrings it out of you...powerful...I did 3 was very addictive...I think I'd like to have it for's very illuminating...I could read easily for others if they wanted the brutal truth...(but how many people are quite ready for that)...I couldn't use it every day...a very interesting sight and glad I checked it out...


I don't think I was meant to see this deck lol - I keep getting 'Internal server Error' and nothing more - oh well - probably wouldn't have been for me anyway :)


I did eventually get to see this deck from the downloads, its not often I dislike a deck on sight but I did this. I didn't like the distorted child/adult mix pictures - not a dark deck but disturbing - not one for me.