Good decks for a teenage boy?


My 15 year old son has expressed an interest in the Tarot and has played around with my cards. He's asked where he could find a cheap deck to buy. I'll probably buy him a standard Rider-Waite deck to start with, or maybe a Gilded deck (my first one). But beyond that, can anyone think of some cool, edgy, masculine decks for a teenage boy? Maybe the Steampunk deck? Is there an AC/DC or Aerosmith decK? LOL Nothing too "girly", cutesy or gimmicky, but at the same time, not too serious.

I'll probably take him to the Purple Door and just let him pick out his own. Marilyn's got oodles of awesome decks there!


I just used the word 'deck', like, six times in one short post. Oops.


This is probably a redundant thing to say, but maybe let him flip through a few of the listed Tarot/Oracle decks on AT?

The RWS deck or the Gilded deck is probably easier in terms of introducing Tarot to your son, but letting him see different artworks and themes may help him broaden his interests.

Edit: I know you're looking for something in the masculine range, but maybe look at the 8-Bit Tarot?


upcoming darkana deck sounds like it might be a good fit maybe?


First thing that came to mind was possibly one of the dragon tarot decks?


Isn't there a wizards deck based on (kind of) Harry Potter?

That may (or may not) appeal.

Last weekend I gave an Intro to Tarot presentation to my monthly journaling group. Most are in their 70s, Christian church-goers but educated and open thinkers. I think this was the closest they've ever come to a tarot deck.

I brought all of mine except the Decameron. The sole male chose to work with the deck that came with A Girl's Guide to Tarot. He explained that he was attracted by the simpler, more stylized, almost cartoon-like drawings—and made his choice despite the deck's name.

You could re-cover the pink box and the book cover, or ditch them and give your son the deck by itself (if he likes its looks, on AT or elsewhere). :-D

I mention this simply because, of approx. 30 decks on display, this one caught the eye of the only male in the room. (His other choice for our second exercise was the Inner Child cards.)


P.S. Maybe also Universal Fantasy as a possibility?


Hudes is nice and neutral, but still has thought-provoking art. I think it would be great for this. (It also has no nudity, which makes it easier to get away with bringing out in public, especially for a teenager. Not feeling like you have to hide things because your audience will be shocked / make fun of you can make a big difference.)

Edit: Oh, looks like it technically has nudity here and here. I think it's minor enough to stand by my original recommendation, though.


:) When my son was that age (a tad younger) I gave him my Gilded tarot and he fell in love with it. It is still his primary deck today. He loves all of Ciro's decks, but that it still his favorite. He is 18 now- still loves it and is anxiously awaiting the release of the Gilded Royale!
