Grand Ellessia Tarot of Aisselle Gabegie


laura_borealis said:
:laugh: Love it! The tinfoil hat almost looks like a crab... :laugh:

Hehe, it does! I hadn't noticed.



Glad y'all like Aisselle's latest...:) It may take a while but we'll get there.



firefrost said:
I will get back to do some more but at the moment a hyper pup won't let me concentrate on much else at all. He's even managing to make mischievous noises at the rare times when he goes to sleep...

Firefrost, are you saying that little Leon is not a figment...? :bugeyed:



Pen said:
Firefrost, are you say that little Leon is not a figment...? :bugeyed:


I often wish 'a bit bigger' Leon was a figment of my imagination...!


  • Leon.JPG
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firefrost said:
I often wish 'a bit bigger' Leon was a figment of my imagination...!

Ohhhhh... baby! What an angel! I want to give him a hug!

You probably know this, but Welsh Collies are very intelligent and motivated and need to work. Get him started on retrieving balls when you walk - use one of those special throwing devices and tire him out!

And tell him I'm sorry Aisselle said he was a figment...!



Cough, splutter...angel?!

I wish!

Seriously, he has been a handful. Both daughters show the dogs (we have a seven year old female border collie too) and he's from championship stock background. And yes, I have more than one ball-lobber in the house!

His official title: Kaleykiz (the people he came from) The Dragon Prince of Spellweaver (My sister who takes the girls showing).

He's got all the makings of a big daft lump but I'll just be glad when he's grown out of chewing everything in sight.


He will, he will. Seriously off-topic here, but my rescue Patterdale terrier had to be more or less permanently attached to me when indoors for the first 8 weeks I had him. He did truly terrible (but not malicious) things the few times he was let loose. He's 12 now, and so good.

The Dragon Prince of Spellweaver - wonderful!



Yes, I loved that name too!