Heart & Hands Tarot Deck


I really like this one! I would love to back it but need to look into Indigogo as I've heard some horror stories about crowdfunded decks that people have paid for but never received.... Anyway, I'm a fan of the artwork of this one and could see myself reading with this - thanks for flagging it up.


Thanks Gregory, I'd never seen the Pop/rock one before and now I want it! I need to stop looking at beautiful but unobtainable decks....
I do like this Heart and Hands tarot though.


I just discovered this one yesterday. I think it is gorgeous and even though I am not so fond of Indiegogo, I think I will back this one. But then, I was always a sucker for a nice black&white deck.


This deck is getting close to funded! Fingers crossed.


Thanks for sharing!
...there are 2 days left - plenty of time to think about it - I find the art really good (the price too); have problem with the Chariot driving a car (this motif is used in a few decks and I am not found of this representation) and with a few other cards but the art and the rest of the cards are great! (maybe I should do a reading to buy or not to buy it :))


oh, i love that hermit card!!! and there's something about the lovers...


Backed. Just couldn't resist.