Help deciphering symbol seen during reading


I'm looking for a little help interpreting a symbol I saw during a reading. The symbol or glyph looked like...well...imagine a simple letter "U", now flip it over, add small curls to the open ends, then add a small stick shape rising up from the curved part of the "U". Does this shape make any sense to anyone? I can't even imagine how to google for it or how to post a picture here.

Thanks! (just in case you might know what it is...:)

It looks a little like a Greek letter Psi, only upside-down and without the stick going all the way through the "U".

Thanks again!


Hmmm... you may want to browse through the symbols at the following link:

It sounds similar to the sign for antimony, but in that symbol the "U' is upright.

Do you recall what deck and/or card this symbol was on?


Sounds a bit like a variation for the symbol for the planet Neptune.




  • Symbols of the Four Seasons.GIF
    Symbols of the Four Seasons.GIF
    3 KB · Views: 69



Hi seaweed-

What was the context in which you saw the glyph? Do you know what deck was being used? What card was it on? Was it part of the main symbol itself or did it stand alone? Was it part of the title perhaps? From your description, this might be a possibility-


I agree a deck/card or even a scan of it would be helpful.

My first thought was the astrology symbol for Leo, but that's not upside down and doesn't have a line. I found this one too...


P.S. Or possibly a Rune symbol??


A handlebar mustache? :)


tarotbear said:
A handlebar mustache? :)

That was not funny, tarotbear....LOL! *smack*


You guys are great :) Thanks so much for writing! (I have a scanner...if only I knew how to imbed a pic in a message...)

The deck is the Universal Waite, pocket size...pretty ordinary. But I didn't see the glyph on the card...I get impressions off the cards during the spread or while shuffling (making it tough to figure out what the unknown symbols are :) ) It does look like a reverse antimony or symbol for balm (5:24), but without the crossing bar in the middle...maybe context will make a difference in interpretation...

It was a Celtic Cross reading seeking suggestions to ways to make my life more fulfilling all around. Impressions during the shuffle included: florettes, a gold cup, the taste of woodsmoke, a faint, but persistant feeling of walking around Ann Arbor, and an encounter I had with an evergreen bush during a sensitive time in my life--It was early morning, I'd bumped into bush, appologized to the bush for bumping into it, then leaned in to smell it's essence (no, I'm not crazy, just have a reverence for all things, esp. in nature :)...anyway, it was a very meditative, clear moment--like time stood still and nothing else existed, perfect time.)

At first blush, the spread looked dark, but the over-all message of the reading said that this isn't the time to do, rather, pause-wait to do, reconcile with the past, a time of transitions, inexorable forces are at work--big cosmic things outside of my hands--likely to do with the body being constrained in some way, time to reconsider my attitudes/desires/expectations and that once this blockage has passed, then I can think clearly, make plans, work hard in harmony with nature and, in time enjoy the bounty and independence that 9 P shows. So, sunshine after clouds :) All in all, pretty accurate for what's going on right now.

The unusal symbol came with Pg Sw Rx (energy absent) in position 10 as part of a suite of impressions: a seated woman in an elaborate dark red velvet dress with pentacles sewn into the skirt, a pine tree, bits of pollen floating through the air on a sunny day and the odd little symbol.

Does the little symbol make more sense in context? Maybe all the tree references lean toward the symbol of balm reversed? It's crazy, but it looks a bit like a curly, upside-down tuning fork...