Help to perform readings onlin


Hello everyone! I am new on here. I just started reading the Tarot about 1 1/2 years ago. Always had a passion with the cards. Anyway I am on one of the sites that does readings online. For now I am only doing EMAIL readings, because I still have to look up many of the cards. **Sigh** I hear that it can take a very long time to learn all of the cards. Any suggestions on how I can learn more, so I can feel more confident about going online? It seems that the more books and decks I buy the more confused i get :(

Any and all help will be appreciated, thank you.


Building it One reading at a time

Hi. I saw your post and laughed knowing that I just had to reply. I have the exact same story you have. I have been performing e-mail readings for almost a year.

I am actually taking a break right now from doing them. My encouragement is to not be ashamed that you research the csard's meaning in books. But when you first draw the card write down the first idea you have it. Let your intuition guide you.

Also one thing I do is save all my e-mail readings and I like to review them because I can see how I have imporved over the year.

I love how I can get a request pull the cards then spend some time just thinking about how they fit together.

There is no better way to learn than by doing. Take it slow in you need to but keep at it and it will pay off.



Zingara12 said:
Hello everyone! I am new on here. I just started reading the Tarot about 1 1/2 years ago. Always had a passion with the cards. Anyway I am on one of the sites that does readings online. For now I am only doing EMAIL readings, because I still have to look up many of the cards. **Sigh** I hear that it can take a very long time to learn all of the cards. Any suggestions on how I can learn more, so I can feel more confident about going online? It seems that the more books and decks I buy the more confused i get :(

Any and all help will be appreciated, thank you.

Hi Welcome,
I have one question for you.
Are you charging for these readings?



Thank you Allan for you help I sure will try that.


Answering my question with a question, eh?

Why do you ask Eddie?


Zingara12 said:
...For now I am only doing EMAIL readings, because I still have to look up many of the cards. **Sigh** I hear that it can take a very long time to learn all of the cards. Any suggestions on how I can learn more...

Put the books down (only my opinion). You're trying to learn, by memorizing.

Get a plain notebook, and journal. Learn by journaling. What do the cards mean to you today?

It will all change tomorrow.

Don't listen to what others tell you (including me), listen to what the cards are telling you!


Umbrae said:
Put the books down (only my opinion). You're trying to learn, by memorizing.

Get a plain notebook, and journal. Learn by journaling. What do the cards mean to you today?

It will all change tomorrow.

Don't listen to what others tell you (including me), listen to what the cards are telling you!
He said it :)

If you're looking up card meanings you're not reading you're looking up meanings.
Nothing wrong with that at all, I'm sure we all did it, I know I did.
What I did find though was that my learning accelerated very quickly once I put the books away and started looking at the cards.

Tarot books are fine to read but not when you're doing a reading.
When you're actually doing a reading leave them alone - you'll be amazed at how good your readings get, very quickly without them.
Journal and find out what the cards are saying to you, not what they've said to someone else who's written a book about them.


Umbrae said:
Get a plain notebook, and journal. Learn by journaling. What do the cards mean to you today?

It will all change tomorrow.

Don't listen to what others tell you (including me), listen to what the cards are telling you!

Yes, you will find a plethora of opinions on ways to learn here. I learned by journalling and read for people. What one card may mean today, may take on a different meaning tomorrow.


Thank you...

Umbrae, Sulis and Baroli... I am going to go sell my books on Ebay right now!!! Just kidding...but I will do as you guys suggest, I am sick and tired of looking things up, just confuses me more.

Thanks again!!! This site rocks!!!!! I have a feeling I am gonna learn a ton here.


There is a lot of good feedback from many wise people. I just found that when I was learning from e-mail readings it was a very lonely practice because of the lack of immeditate feedback from the sitter.
