hierophant as relationship outcome

Lady Orchard

Just did 2 readings surrounding a relationship I have recently entered into. 2 different spreads but both times the outcome card was the Hierophant, so feel it must be significant!

This is not one of my most favourite cards. The one thing that came to mind was marriage, and obviously that could be a potential outcome for a relationship!
But I am struggling to think of any other interpretations....any thoughts?

Lady Orchard

sorry. I didn't write down the rest of the reading. could you move this to using tarot or somewhere? as just that card I would like thoughts on? thanks


I don't think it means marriage more a working together as a team sort of thing, or it could mean that you need to learn some important information about your new partner.


When the Heirophant is in this type of position I usually equate it with more of a code. I like to call him Priest instead and then think of him as the other side of the Priestess. Here, the Priest doesn't hide things like the Priestess. He has a moral code that he knows and lives by. To me, he is stable and helpful and not at all coy or elusive. I like to think of him as an actual Priest leading a flock to greener pastures. Not that I am all into the church, I've never been, so I imagine him to be a true helper, not the ones you see on tv.

In this position I would say he speaks more of offering you a new code or standard of ethics for yourself. Something that will lead you to someplace better than where you are now. On the flip side, he could be too strict and constrictive to your way of life. But I think, if that is the case, you will see it early enough to get yourself free. Either way, I think you are about to learn some very important things about yourself and the world around you.

Hope that helps :)


I think the Hierophant implies a type of convention, society's rules. The culture that is taught to the members. Using this interpretation I would say it could have two opposite meanings based on the rest of the spread. Either you should follow convention or you are restrained by it. This could follow the marriage track, being the convention.


Remember he's multidimensional

Quick answer: the Hierophant represents tradition. Hence, the outcome will tend toward a traditional relationship.

A fuller answer: the Hierophant in his negative aspect is dictatorial, arbitrary, and self-righteous if not hypocritical. Sometimes he is ultraconservative, though not necessarily. But, in his positive aspect he becomes a life-giving force because he identifies that which is sacred in people, elevates it and celebrates it. He acts as a bridge between one source of holiness and another (e.g. people and nature, men and women, God(s) and people), and he is reverent toward and protective of these sources wherever he finds them. In a relationship, this "bridge" function can be scary, enlightening, thrilling. Traditional or not, you may be in for a ride. ;)


Sort of from the idea of the heirophant representing conventional religion, I've always to a degree seen the heirophant as a desire or need to belong. To me it not only represents traditional values or conforming to religion, but also to the idea of the need to conform, the need to belong to a group. Finding one's identity and purpose in others.

Perhaps it is a sign that you will find yourself comfortable in this relationship. Maybe in past relationships things didn't quite click and it never got to that level of being comfortable with each other. To me it's not a primal connection. In my readings, since I use the thoth deck, I've seen the lovers as a strong indication of love, communication and connection. But art/temperance to me has been a real positive relationship card. To me it represents finding someone who completes you and compliments you. Opposite forces uniting to make something even greater than the two separate entities. It's like emotional evolution and the purest and strongest connection one can attain in my opinion.


Yes, I think it could point to marriage or any other type of traditional relationship that has come down over the years to be seen by the masses as being "proper" or conformist.