Hierophant & Knight of Wands


Hi You All -

I'm wondering what these cards would been together. They seem quite different, almost oppositional. The Hierophant, as I understand it, represents orthodox, tradition and marriage. It means maintaining the status quo and not bucking the system. It's an energy that is stable and stagnant (?), grounded(?) and doesnt move. That's the energy I get from the card. The knight of wands, on the other hand is very energetic. The card shows a knight ready for action, energetic, almost erratic.

These two cards popped out of a deck, side by side on the table, Hierophant, followed by the knight. That also seemed pretty energetic to me. What do you think they mean together in a question about a relationship?


I have the same read on these cards as you. With the knight following the Hierophant for a relationship, I see this as being restless in a traditional relationship, one wants the white picket fence and tradition, the other wants the excitment of playing outside of the box, not ready to settle down. If there is not yet a relationship, it will not work out.


My take is different ; my Heriophant represents the teacher and learner of the mysteries ... the development of the self on the subtle planes but requiring the hard work and perseverance of the grounded Taurus. Wands as fire and close to 'spirit' and Knights as the initiation of action ... in this combo KW virtually charging ahead ... with not too much concern where it leads.

In a relationship context (which is general ... it could be any type of relationship or aspect of a relationship) I would say it represents 'diving in' to a process (or relationship) where you learn a lot about yourself and grow and so does the other ; teacher and student ... roles can swap and be concurrent .


I think it is advising you to keep the spice in your marriage. Don't let it get boring. Go on dates. Be creative. Marriage can be boring, so be a knight of wands


Thanks for the responses so far. I had some ideas regarding the interpretation but I wanted to see what others thought first.

I should of mentioned that the question posed was 'how will the relationship develop' rather than the existing status of the marriage. The cards popping out at me indicated to me that the tarot deck had an important message to convey or a warning.

The possible interpretation of hierophant plus knight of wands, I came up with in this context of this relationship are:

1). A passionate marriage as an outcome
2). A married man looking for a passionate affair
3). A conservative, married man looking for some action on the side
4). Cards represent conflict within the relationship due to someone's traditional beliefs, cultural and family expectations versus the desire for freedom to choose ones own path or heart's desire.


Pamela's interpretation was close to what I was already thinking. Although her interpretation sees an individual represented by each card which would be more like:

4). She wants to get married. He still wants to play the field.

. With the knight following the Hierophant for a relationship, I see this as being restless in a traditional relationship, one wants the white picket fence and tradition, the other wants the excitment of playing outside of the box, not ready to settle down. If there is not yet a relationship, it will not work out.

The most likely scenario, I believe, based on the question (how will the relationship develop?) and what I know of the querent is that "he wants his cake and eat it too" but traditional family and cultural values make it difficult to truly go after what he wants.


The Knight Wands is about force or energy that needs directing and channelling in order to be creative rather than destructive. The Hierophant is about wisdom received from the ancestors.

So the combination of the two, I would suggest, is telling the client to use their restless energies by focussing on building and adding to significant and important bodies of knowledge from the past. If they were secular, I'd suggest research and writing as their direction.


My take is different ; my Heriophant represents the teacher and learner of the mysteries ... the development of the self on the subtle planes but requiring the hard work and perseverance of the grounded Taurus. Wands as fire and close to 'spirit' and Knights as the initiation of action ... in this combo KW virtually charging ahead ... with not too much concern where it leads.

In a relationship context (which is general ... it could be any type of relationship or aspect of a relationship) I would say it represents 'diving in' to a process (or relationship) where you learn a lot about yourself and grow and so does the other ; teacher and student ... roles can swap and be concurrent .

This is an interesting and valid interpretation of the cards, I believe. However, it doesn't quite fit the situation as I know it. I'm not sure I agree that 'student' would apply to the Knight of Wands. Although the Knight of Wands has some "growing up" to do, it suggests to me 'unfocused energy' and passion, without movement in one particular direction. Learning about oneself requires a certain amount of self reflection, focus and maturity that the Knight of Wands is lacking. The Hierophant is also a major card unlike the Knight of Wands suggesting that the major lesson to be learned is comes from the Hierophant, not the other way around. What is the lesson? It's about maintaining and being respectful of tradition, following societal and cultural dictates and conformity. The Knight of Wands is not in a position to "teach" the Hierophant anything (and the Hierophant will not tolerate or appreciate the value expression of freedom, especially in a relationship).

Thanks for offering this interpretation, ravenest. It got me thinking.


The Knight Wands is about force or energy that needs directing and channelling in order to be creative rather than destructive. The Hierophant is about wisdom received from the ancestors.

So the combination of the two, I would suggest, is telling the client to use their restless energies by focussing on building and adding to significant and important bodies of knowledge from the past. If they were secular, I'd suggest research and writing as their direction.

Nisaba. You're interpretations are always so good and seem 'spot on' in most cases. I'm having a problem interpreting these cards though because it was a relationship question not a question about the individual questioning in particular. That's where I got hung up when I was trying to interpret the cards. Of course, while tarot readings are all open to multiple interpretations, wouldn't a question "where is the RELATIONSHIP leading" necessarily require a broader interpretation? Your interpretation points to advice for the querent not information about the relationship. I'm confused. I'm not saying your interpretation is invalid, it's just I'm trying to understand the nuance of interpretations. Doesn't the question limit the possible interpretations (for example: relationship question, feeling question, outcome question)

Your response also got me thinking outside the box. Building on knowledge from the past (could be knowledge of the relationship's past history leads to a creative, energetic, new energy in the relationship, I guess. Maybe that's a stretch).

I dunno. I'm stuck here.


I think it is advising you to keep the spice in your marriage. Don't let it get boring. Go on dates. Be creative. Marriage can be boring, so be a knight of wands

In the context of where a marriage is heading, this seems to fit. Here the cards follow: TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE plus PASSION in the mix. If you want a passionate marriage however, you've got to have the drive and energy to make it happen if that's to be the outcome.


Your response also got me thinking outside the box. Building on knowledge from the past (could be knowledge of the relationship's past history leads to a creative, energetic, new energy in the relationship, I guess. Maybe that's a stretch).

I dunno. I'm stuck here.

<smile> Maybe that's not a stretch, maybe that's a valid interpretation.