High Pristess meeting?


What would a meeting between two people be like signified by the High Priestess?

It seems to me like this would be no ordinary meeting, it doesn't seem a chatty and lively scene. May be each will be trying to figure out the other one in their minds?

What thoughts and experiences have others had with this?

Thank you for your comments.


It's a bit of a stretch, but I suppose the Pillars of Wisdom on each side of her *might* stand for people. If you try really hard.


I think they might connect on a way deeper and more intuitive level than most would upon first meeting (or even if this isn't a "first meeting.") They will probably finish each other's sentences at least once. :)


starrystarrynight said:
I think they might connect on a way deeper and more intuitive level than most would upon first meeting (or even if this isn't a "first meeting.") They will probably finish each other's sentences at least once. :)

How sweet starrystarrynight, thank you for that take.


You're welcome...and, it comes from a personal experience. ;)


This depends very much upon the conetxt of the meeting.
If it is in a business or work place a valuable insight will most likely be shared about the running of the organisation.


A secret meeting where no one else knows about it but just you two. A meeting where secrets and motives are revealed.


I would think that a meeting between two High Priestess with the same abilities would be very quiet. A HP is not very talkative, they like to sit back assess the situation. There are not many true HPs out there, they come across very cold and distant, I know I was brought up by one (my mother).


From personal experience: No matter how chatty, effervescent, and dynamic the encounter is, the High Priestess is indicative of sentiments obscured. Whatever happened beforehand that might've been more "open" and straightforward, if you're expecting that, it probably won't happen. Previous context will remain buried underneath the surface, untouched and unacknowledged, and likely because of circumstances outside of you.

When I received this card last month for the same question, I was expecting a very quiet, elusive, enigmatic interaction. Wasn't the case. Quite the opposite. Everything was fun and games, almost Page of Wands-esque on the surface. But things that were previously discussed were veiled, kept under wraps, and momentarily placed on the backburner.


omnislashed said:
From personal experience: No matter how chatty, effervescent, and dynamic the encounter is, the High Priestess is indicative of sentiments obscured. Whatever happened beforehand that might've been more "open" and straightforward, if you're expecting that, it probably won't happen. Previous context will remain buried underneath the surface, untouched and unacknowledged, and likely because of circumstances outside of you.

When I received this card last month for the same question, I was expecting a very quiet, elusive, enigmatic interaction. Wasn't the case. Quite the opposite. Everything was fun and games, almost Page of Wands-esque on the surface. But things that were previously discussed were veiled, kept under wraps, and momentarily placed on the backburner.
@ omnislashed...I'm pressing my virtual Like button on this one. :) Thank you!