Honk if you like the new US Games lamination!


Arcana XV said:
If it's the same one they used on the recently released Deviant Moon Tarot or the Fenestra, then you're definitely not alone because I love it too. :)

I am soooo glad to see this post. While I am not a huge fan of the Fenestra, I love the way it shuffles. My Universal Waite is stiff and unruly at times it drives me to use other decks.

But today I purchased the Deviant Moon (with great anticipation) and I was wondering if it would have the same lamination as my UW. I saw this post and instantly grabbed my Fenestra to give it a shuffle or two to remind myself how it handles. When I was using it I never remember having any issues with the lamination. If my Deviant Moon is the same way, I am going to love that deck even more. I think that I am going to be using the deck for quite some time. The way the Fenestra feels it seem to be both user friendly but has some strength and stout to it.

So in the end I guess I am Honking!



If it's anything like the Medieval Scapini, I'm happy.



I really like the lamination on my UW. That allows it to take so much abuse through the years.

Le Fanu

(...just a tiny squeak of a honk...)

I have the Universal Waite and love it, but Im coming round to the idea that in my tarot collection, just one heavy-duty-lacquered-withstand-anything US Games "waterproof tarot" lamination is enough. Just for sheer resistance and novelty factor. Id hate to have more. And on Historic decks Im afraid I find it a bit unforgivable (but that´s just me!). I mean just think about it...

The smell doesn´t bother me at all. Soon fades...


Semi Honk, here!!

While overall I don't mind it, and love it on the Deviant Moon, Fenestra and several other decks, I am glad it is not on the Halloween Tarot because it would take away that intage feel and wish it were off the IJJ Swiss & Morgan Greer, too. I miss that beloved satin feel. But it is perfect on some of the other decks.


I agree about the Halloween deck. I was just playing around with it this morning and enjoying the feeling of it. :)


HONKING here in the UK!

Am very happy that the DM has the same feel as the Fenestra. (Patiently waiting for it to be delivered from the US)