Horary Readings Round 7 - Questions


Yes, my question would be concerning employment, I am looking for work and interviewing. Is there anything coming up for me, how soon, any advice?

Oops, sorry I missed your post :(

Yes of course. Seeing it,s sometime ago do you want to revise your question?


No problem :(

Can I just check that you are currently unempoyed and whether you have begun looking for jobs.

Also is part time or short term work acceptable or are you only after a permanent full time job
hey buddy
i am currently unemployed , have been looking for jobs for last couple of months. i would prefer a full time job but now that i have waited for long already and nothing positive has come my way i am open to work part-time / short-term as well.

should you need more information please do let me know :)


Hello Minderwiz,

After having had a spot on reading from you sometime back, I wanna be selfish and request you for one more reading. I hope its ok with you and you are taking questions.

My question - I have been stuck in this current job since the last 10 years and no efforts at landing a new job are fructifying. Can I expect a better job that offers me more (both professionally and monetarily). If you need more details I shall be more than happy to provide.



Hello Minderwiz,

After having had a spot on reading from you sometime back, I wanna be selfish and request you for one more reading. I hope its ok with you and you are taking questions.

My question - I have been stuck in this current job since the last 10 years and no efforts at landing a new job are fructifying. Can I expect a better job that offers me more (both professionally and monetarily). If you need more details I shall be more than happy to provide.


Are you actually applying now and if so how frequently....some idea of your numbers of applications would help. And some idea of your time frame....which I think comes down to the frequency'of applications. Would six months be about right, too long or too short?


Are you actually applying now and if so how frequently....some idea of your numbers of applications would help. And some idea of your time frame....which I think comes down to the frequency'of applications. Would six months be about right, too long or too short?

Well on an average I apply for a minimum of 4-5 jobs/month that come my way via the job portals or certain consultants who send me feelers. I have been applying since way long back, but have actually intensified over the last couple of months. As regards a time frame, well 6 months seems right!

If you would want to know anything more, please let me know (I also tend to write similar lines in all my job applications, though in a more formal manner ;) )



Minderwiz, I have myself a question regarding my continuously absent job/career - Will I succeed in finding a good (desired by me) job soon? Let's say six months. :( When you have the time. I'd also very much like to know, if it's visible in the chart which direction to pursue for best results: writing, PR or event management (last two being my long time career till three years ago when all fell apart). There is also a choice in front of me again - here or abroad... Anything you can see will be highly appreciated. Thank you!


Hi M!

Are you still taking questions?



I have a reading outstanding for safari.

Ronia, Your job situation seems to be moving beyond the realms of horary and moving into natal. Perhaps we should look at that area to see if there are any change periods coming up. That possibly combined with horary might prove more useful.

Mona18, yes I'm laving this thread open for the foreseeable future. Just post your question.



I would like you to see how my love life will develop in the coming 6 months. Thanks!!!


Ronia, Your job situation seems to be moving beyond the realms of horary and moving into natal. Perhaps we should look at that area to see if there are any change periods coming up. That possibly combined with horary might prove more useful.

You mean a horary can't answer if I'll get a job in the next six months?

As about my natal, I've been staring at it for ages but all transits I expected to move the job situation have failed to do so. I've looked at progressions and directions too. Saturn is to step on my MC next year. Jupiter's trines to Mercury, ruler of the 6th have failed to bring anything. Mars as a ruler of the 10th hasn't brought anything either, approaching my Asc now.