How do elemental dignities work with reversals?


A very basic question regarding elemental dignities, since I am just starting to understand and use them.

Do the elements work even when we use reversals?

I generally read reversed cards and was a bit confused. Since an ill-dignified card generally is treated as a reversed card or "opposite energy", then reading them with reversals kind of beats the purpose doesn't it? Since reversed cards anyways indicate just that.

Would really like to know how this works with reversals. Thanks.


I was under the impression that elemental dignities are used in stead of reversals.


That's how I do it Sulis. If I'm using reversals, I don't do elements. I attempted it, but it was too just a bit too much for me... and I tend to do elaborate things with readings anyway... but elements and reversals together tipped the scale into too much confusion and hassle for me.

Girl Archer

I was under the impression that elemental dignities are used in stead of reversals.

So, basically ill dignified = reversed? there is no actual difference between the two? I usually read the ill dignified as a still positive but somewhat blocked card, but reversals I just take the meanings offered in the lwb with a li'l intuitive reading of my own. Like for example, the two of cups reversed would mean disharmony, divorce, loss of friendship etc while the two of cups ill dignified would just be a blockage, a sort of temporary thing... Am i right?


If you are using EDs you do not use reversals. Some decks for example the Thoth are designed to use with EDs so you don't use reversals:)


So, basically ill dignified = reversed? there is no actual difference between the two? I usually read the ill dignified as a still positive but somewhat blocked card, but reversals I just take the meanings offered in the lwb with a li'l intuitive reading of my own. Like for example, the two of cups reversed would mean disharmony, divorce, loss of friendship etc while the two of cups ill dignified would just be a blockage, a sort of temporary thing... Am i right?

Well yes but the way you're using reversals seems very limiting...
Every card has a range of meanings so the reversed meaning is not always the opposite of the upright meaning which is what you seem to be doing... To do that assumes that every card has a set upright meaning or meanings and a set reversed meaning or meanings whereas in practice the cards seem to have a theme or an energy and the actual meanings change depending on the context.
I used to use reversals and when I did I thought of them as the energy of the upright card but:
Diminished or diminishing, delayed, underutilised, internalised or blocked.

Now I leave all cards upright but I still use the whole range of the card's meanings. I don't use elemental dignities since I don't tend to read with decks that were designed to be used with them.


Yes i use reversals for RW and this is if a card is up-side down in a reading, in my early days of study i had the Thoth deck and the LWB inside explained how fire and water weakens each other's elements and Air and Earth will also weaken each others elements.

Lets say example ( Knight of cups, Queen of wands, 10 of cups, then middle and end card elements would be weak or ill dignified.

Ace of swords, King of swords, 10 of disks, then the King of swords and 10 of disks would both be ill dignified.

Girl Archer

Yes i use reversals for RW and this is if a card is up-side down in a reading, in my early days of study i had the Thoth deck and the LWB inside explained how fire and water weakens each other's elements and Air and Disks will also weaken each others elements.

Lets say example ( Knight of cups, Queen of wands, 10 of cups, then the middle card elements would be weak or ill dignified.

Ace of swords, King of swords, 10 of disks, then the last card would be ill dignified.

So in the above examples... this would mean a queen of wands whose energy is more of a burn out,and she uses her dynamism and fiery energy to petty ends or is pretty domineering? Actually in spread 1, if you take Kn/C and Q/W then wouldn't both be ill dignified? Likewise, the Q/W and the 10/C which would again be ill dignified? So, basically you interpret the whole thing as ill dignified?

in spread 2 - Would you say that the querant is being caused some financial loss or severe unhappiness through a sharp tongued, controlling King of Swords kind f guy? but then wrt the ten of pents, wouldn't the king be ill dignified? As in, wouldn't they be mutually conflicting each other?


in spread 2 - Would you say that the querant is being caused some financial loss or severe unhappiness through a sharp tongued, controlling King of Swords kind f guy? but then wrt the ten of pents, wouldn't the king be ill dignified? As in, wouldn't they be mutually conflicting each other?

Yes your right thanks for spotting that, the King of swords and 10 of disks would mutually conflict each other so both cards would be ill dignified.

Girl Archer

Yes your right thanks for spotting that, the King of swords and 10 of disks would mutually conflict each other so both cards would be ill dignified.

Yay, thanks for the lesson :) How about spread 1? Are all three cards read ill dignified given that each of them is conflicted wrt each other?