How do non-readers experience readings?


Le Fanu said:
I think the question was about people who are not actual readers ...

That part I understood.:grin: I was saying that I do personally read for non-readers who believe Tarot, but don't like to for those who don't or are not willing to suspend disbelief as their reactions are very different..

But, and no insult intended of course, I was unsure if we were talking about readings done as a surprise for non-readers or readings that were requested. I wasn't sure which was meant. Also It was not meant as a sweeping comment on moral values. Sorry if it sounded that way. That is why I said IMHO. Its just my opinion. We each have to decide for ourselves and I don't judge others. If it came out otherwise, again I am sorry. :heart:



To answer brighteye,

Reading a lot of threads on this forum pushed me to give readings a try. Like I said, I've had several readings by several readers. You never reaaly know at the beginning if you connect or trust a new reader. Yes, past and present descriptions appear accurate, but many times they seem so general.

There are so many passionate readers here on this forum that convinced me that Tarot can be a very educational and rewarding tool.



My first reading was pure magic; I was so baffled how the reader knew so much! He used tarot cards as well as a crystal ball and tea leaves! I have to add here that I never saw or heard about tarot cards prior to my first reading... so that was a bit of a surprise :D

I didn't really believe it was possible to pick up this type of information from cards or tea leaves at that time (not sure about the crystal ball) and thought that he had some type of special psychic powers.

In hindsight I can see that you can get a lot of good information from tarot cards and tea leaves; but you also need a good dose of intuition to make proper sense out of it!


BrightEye said:
How do non-readers experience readings?
Gosh, do we have any non-readers here to answer? Perhaps this is the wrong place to ask ...

I would rather one man with a good mind than all the dandies with their buckles and shiny boots; and one woman with a good heart than all the society ladies with their frills and finery.


nisaba said:
Gosh, do we have any non-readers here to answer?
No, but as you can see there are lots of readers who remember a time before. I was also hoping that some readers might have friends who don't read... It happens, you know.


If you hang around the internet in forums that are completely unrelated to Tarot, it might be an idea to ask that same question there, completely out of the blue, ie, an a architecture, gardening or mechanics forum, say "By the way, have any of you ever had a Tarot reading, and how did you feel about it?".
Spring it on them. Then you'll probably get the kind of information that you're probably looking for.

(Even I'm not one-dimensional enough to only hang around Tarot places!)


BrightEye said:
How do non-readers experience readings?
It would depend and vary from person to person.
If the person is believer in God and divination they would accept many things, listen, ask for more guidance and give back response also.

But if the person is a wrong type of energy, lower vibrating, they might insult the reader, act suspiciously even call out names, leave abruptly..anything is possible.

I remember early when i started reading and once my friends friend came over she was this old lady with adult daughter she wanted to know when her daughter would get married. I said it would be next year she got angry and said thats not possible she should get married this year. Then she started mumbling her daughter asked her to keep quite. After a while they left


I had a couple readings back in my twenties, long before I picked up a deck or knew anything about tarot. I wanted to believe, and the reader was very good. She picked up on several key points and this amazed me for years. Technically I had no clue what she was doing and if memory serves me, she laid down cards in long rows and read them as she turned them over.

Both experiences were good. The shop is still around and sometimes I get the urge to stop in for another reading just to see if I can understand her method. I read professionally now in a local cafe which as it turns out, is up the street from that tarot shop


Probably around 1980 I had my first Tarot reading. I went with a girlfriend, and I was really excited, anticipating a magical or at least revelatory experience. I was disappointed.

The reading took place in what I recall as a deserted cafeteria or warehouse (I have no idea why this person had access to this gigantic space which was mostly dark and to my recollection, filled with long tables). The reading was very prosaic and uninspired, and the only thing I can remember from it is that when I told her I was going to go to lunch at a certain restaurant afterwards, she said it was good because they served complimentary peanuts and the nitrogen was good for my nervousness. I now think she wasn't very good or experienced. Nothing in the reading struck me as anything useful, or even interesting. I actually forgot about it for years, until my friend reminded me that we had done this.