How Do You Choose a Deck For Your Sitter?


I pick what I am in the mood for. I bring a few decks with me - I bore easily - and I pick what I want! In this case it isn't about the sitter it is about me and what will work best for me at that moment to get the best reading. They want answers so I have to pick what will work for me........


Le Fanu said:
Also, I don't believe in this idea that such and such a deck is "frank" or "tells it as it is". I don't think decks are that loaded. It comes from your interpretation skills...

Actually I know what you mean. All my decks are honest and frank and tell it like it is. But like people, they tend to tell the story in different ways. But they are all of them totally honest and frank...



The deck doesn't matter for me I know some decks better than others - I like some decks better than others but that doesn't mean the reading is any better. None of my decks have special powers :D so I just grab a deck. It's really whatever works for you.

Silver Crow

I give them a choice of about five decks. If they don't want to choose one I pick based on the type of questions they are there for or their tarot experience, keeping the tougher ones for the person who has more experience having tarot read for them.


I choose whichever deck I feel like using.

If the sitter is so insistent on a particular deck, they can go buy it themselves and learn to read. I used to be 110% focused on whatever the sitter wanted, and you know what? It's emotionally exhausting, and gets overwhelming trying to be a people-pleaser all the time. If you were a builder, you wouldn't let whoever you were working for decide which tools you got to use, would you? Of course not. You'd let them use what they knew best, what they were most comfortable with, what their professional expertise tells them is the right tool for the job.

I think of Tarot the same way. We're builders too in a way, it's just that what we build isn't palpable or tangible. So I pick the deck I want to use.

Open Arms

ONe thing I have found is that when I use the Bohemian Gothic, I tend to get the hidden message - the subconcious drivers of the situation while the Victorian ROmantic seems to pick up the Physical what they are doing - which is why I tend to use the two together.

As for generally which deck I choose to use - I let my intuition guide me and sometimes its weird which ones it picks but it hasn't let me down yet.


I put five or six out and let them choose. However - I make sure that those decks are ones I read well with. Happily for me if I put Ironwing out - and I usually do - they always choose it :D


gregory said:
Show the sitter the decks available and let them choose ?
WinterRose said:
Which would take a whole year in Gregory's case....
Gregory's right, and there is a way to do it very quickly.

When I am reading publicly, I will choose anywhere from four to eight decks that I want to work with, and on my table lie them in a line, with the same Major Arcana card from each deck showing. I then ask the client to indicate which picture appeals to them most. It takes only a second, and they get a deck in accord with their own energies at the time. Repeat customers will choose different decks as their emotions and situations change, I find.