How do you pronounce 'tarot'?


I've heard it, especially here in the midwest, pronounced 'TAY-rot', or 'TAHR-rot', with our indigenous narky nasal twang. I ran into a used bookstore owner who said 'tah-ROW' (he didn't have any decks by the way). 'TEAHR-roh' is how I pronounce it, as in 'tearing paper'. We have so many nationalities here, I was curious how others pronounce it.



TarÓt in any of the Spanish variants.

le fey

I pronounce it like you do - TEAR-oh. My best friend says Tuh-ROW and I think he's probably saying it better than I do, but I've been saying it longer, so I win.

Here in my region, it's usually pronounced "Those devil cards".


I pronounce it TA - ROE to rhyme with low.


le fey said:
I pronounce it like you do - TEAR-oh. My best friend says Tuh-ROW and I think he's probably saying it better than I do, but I've been saying it longer, so I win.

Here in my region, it's usually pronounced "Those devil cards".
:laugh: yes, here too--even though it is NY! :p

I also pronounce it like "tear-row". have always heard it pronounced as such (also in that nasal sounding twang!), by people who use tarot. and, a few of those who do not use tarot or ever will, I've heard them pronounce it in a variety of ways as already mentioned here.


I'm from California and bilingual and I mix Spanish and English pronunciation and pronounce it as "teh-rote". I really like the Spanish pronunciation ("tah-ROTE"), I'll try using it more often.


le fey said:
Here in my region, it's usually pronounced "Those devil cards".
I pronounce it either Tah - ROE or TAIR - oh (we have a hard time deciding how to pronounce pecan too.:))

le fey

Oh that's easy... they are pe-CAHNs. But it's PEE-can PIE. hehe


I pronounce it TAH-roe.... I think. It's hard to work out where I put the inflection - I seem to balance it quite evenly, but I'd say it's more on the first syllable. I think that's because i'm a scholar of Anglo-Saxon, and therefore I'm used to pronouncing words with the inflection at the front. When pronouncing an OE word, the inflection is usually on the first syllable. I'll avoid giving an Anglo-Saxon lesson here though.... ;)


I usually follow the (original?) French pronunciation: Tah-ROW, although most people here pronounce it as Tah-ROT...