How do you Shuffle?

Sakura Murasaki

I'd rather not make my shuffling complicated. I just do it, like Nike. ;) (bad, out-dated joke, I know)


I have this thing about the number 7. So I lay out 7 cards, then 7 cards on top etc etc, the final card ends up in the first pile. Then I put all the piles together, for some reason from right to left. Then I shuffle the deck 7 times. For me this seems to really clear the cards. I don't use reverse cards either.


I try to breathe deeply 3 times before I start to shuffle, then I do 3 riffle shuffles, 3 hand over hand shuffles and cut the cards in three 3 times. If I hesitate because I feel that's not enough, I'll do 3 more riffle shuffles. While I shuffle, I think of the question over and over. I like crystals and have some crystal bracelets, I will pop one of them into the bag with a deck occasionally if I feel it needs it. But I also just do a 'cleansing' shuffle at the end of each reading, where I visualise the energy of the reading being cleared. :)


it depends on the deck i am using. some are quite large, and I have small hands, so shuffling them can be difficult. in that case, I break them down into smaller piles to shuffle, or place them face down on a large table and push them around for awhile to shuffle them. :p

other decks that I can handle, I shuffle by holding them on their long side and shuffling them into a new pile. I do this 21 times, then divide them into 3 piles and pick those piles up, but one pile will be turned around the opposite way--thus I can end up with reversed cards. then, I repeat this two more times. when I'm ready to begin my 'reading' for a client, I concentrate on their question or them (for a general read) and shuffle again 7 times. or-if they are in front of me, I have them shuffle the cards till they feel it is enough, while they concentrate on their question.

when I am reading with oracles that have 52 or less cards in them--such as the playing cards, I will shuffle by riffling them. as long as they are the same size as a deck of playing cards. I still follow the 21 shuffle rule tho-to make sure they are good and mixed! :D

I have a few decks that are rounded, and they are not easy to shuffle--the tea leaf one has over 200 cards in it! :bugeyed: so, they are a deck that I place down on top of a large table and I move them around and around, to mix them up. they are also rather thin cards, so shuffling them can easy damage them--and they are not easy to replace, being an OOP copy. I only read with these for my clients who are not present for their reading, as I don't want them to be handled by clients. :laugh: these are my 'SPECIAL CARDS', but they are rather accurate! so, special handling is vital--especially with the shuffling! :D


Riffle & bridge. No set amount of times. I simply stop when I feel it's right to do so.

strings of life

I can't find the post that had this technique, but I have started to deal my cards into 3 piles, stack them together and then repeat the process 1 or 2 more times.

Perfect mixing.

It works quite well, even on some of my self published and delicate limited edition decks :thumbsup:.


I shuffle three different ways. I riffle&bridge and hand over hand.

The third way I shuffle is by taking the top card and bottom card off of the deck at the same time and forming a pile on the table, over and over. Once I get to the last two cards in the deck, I switch their position (so now the bottom card of the two is on top) and finish the pile. I usually shuffle in one of the first two ways after this one, or else the bottom card would always stay at the bottom.

I started using the last way because the edges of my Sweet Twilight deck began to get lots of nicks on the edges and I only had it for a few days. This way there is less damage to the cards, even if it takes a little longer.


I use two methods. The first is a general top to bottom mix; pushing cards over in small blocks then transferring them to the bottom. I follow this with several Faro shuffles. The Faro shuffle guarantees an exceptionally thorough mix as it interweaves both halves of the deck from top to bottom


I shuffle hand to hand (aka lacing the deck). I rarely (really almost never) riffle shuffle.


I riffle shuffle everything. :laugh: I also "weave" shuffle sometimes when I'm just casually handling the cards.