How good-looking is the Emperor?


Bearing in mind I'm female, how would you read this card in terms of looks? I wanted to know whether someone I know finds me good-looking and drew this card. Not that it matters to me whether he does or not, but the question arose out of a conversation about someone else's looks, and I'm curious.


was it a one card draw? or were there others?


Seems to me it wouldn't so much apply to actual physical attributes, but "the look"... authoritative, competent, in command, organized, ready to go into action, prepared, etc. Wearing a suit vs blue jeans and a sweatshirt...

a person can look Emperorish without being attractive... so good looks has no bearing.


When you get these cards on "looks" they're never really about the person having a lantern jaw and piercing blue eyes. Cards can indicate strong looks or delicate, passionate or pretty, but they don't indicate that the person is a "10" on a scale of handsomeness with 1 being Quasimoto and 10 being Hugh Jackman.

What the Emperor says that whatever he looks like, when he walks into a room he commands attention. Now that likely means that's he's not going to make people go "eww!" and turn away. His looks will please the eye.

But here's the thing, the Emperor commands attention not because he's the best looking man in the room, but because he radiates power, command, confidence, self-awarness, focused ambition. So. Think of the movie star you find the most handsome in the world. He's standing right next to you. The Emperor walks in, and suddenly, you're not looking at the movie star any longer.

No matter how the Emperor compares in look to that movie star, less or more, he's the one who has you looking at him. Because he's a man, the manliest man you've ever seen. He's the general, and every other guy in the room is a subordinate by compare. They all look like they're ready to come to attention, salute him and do whatever he tells them. THAT is how he looks.


I get you, Thirteen. I take it the same would apply to a female Emperor?


BrightEye said:
I get you, Thirteen. I take it the same would apply to a female Emperor?
Yep. Think of all those action movies where the warrior woman bursts in and nabs the nerdish guy to help her team on a mission. And she's telling him where they're going and what they're going to do and how they're going to accomplish this and what his role will be--that's her. He could have been with the prettiest girl in the sexiest dress, but now he's completely locked onto this woman in battle gear.

She's Queen Boudicca or Queen Elizabeth I dressed in battle armor and giving her famous speech to the troops.


I agree, the Emperor exudes confidence that has nothing to do with exterior looks. That dynamic is magnetically much so that it wouldn't matter if you had two heads and a hunchback.

[Cyrano de Bergerac comes to mind.]

So, this person of whom you speak likely doesn't look at you as being externally beautiful (he doesn't even consider that)--but more as what you exude from within. He looks beyond skin-deep, and may think that you need to do that, as well, especially if you are at all worried about how anyone may view your looks.


starrystarrynight said:
I agree, the Emperor exudes confidence that has nothing to do with exterior looks. That dynamic is magnetically much so that it wouldn't matter if you had two heads and a hunchback.

[Cyrano de Bergerac comes to mind.]

So, this person of whom you speak likely doesn't look at you as being externally beautiful (he doesn't even consider that)--but more as what you exude from within. He looks beyond skin-deep, and may think that you need to do that, as well, especially if you are at all worried about how anyone may view your looks.
Err... I'm not sure whether I'm feeling flattered or disappointed.

Curtis Penfold

BrightEye said:
Err... I'm not sure whether I'm feeling flattered or disappointed.

When it comes to deep attraction, it all comes within. Like a pineapple. Who cares how it looks? Inside, it's soft and sweet. In essence, whenever you look at a pineapple, you see something beautiful, whether it's physically attractive or not.


...unless you're dealing with durian, but that's neither here nor there...

I would agree that the person is attracted to the confidence factor. Not to say that there are not also physical attributes that he appreciates, but when I think of IV Emperor in response to the question you asked, it's telling me that it's more an attraction of personal power. Or he is fantasizing about you in a dominatrix type of role.

Just sayin'... :D