How has the Tarot changed your life?


Just curious on this one. I'm very new to the Tarot...and totally blown away.

-I'm obsessed..still learning the basics, but have too much energy that isn't being focused on the mechanics. I get stuck a lot!...

-I don't dream anymore. My dreams have always been Crazy Fun Times!! dreams. Maybe one or two a week. On the good side of this, I've really been paying attention to my daily cards and how to apply them to my life. I think I've been working things out, and don't need to dream(but that's kinda sad)

-I think I'm beginning to "live" my life. Focusing on the good and the bad things, my feelings, personality, why I don't get what I want, what stands in my way(because I let it). Tarot has shown me "the writing on the wall".

-I think things out, have a plan, look at my shadow card and what it is telling me.

-It's like a whole new world has opened up to me...and it's been there all along!!

So my answer is: The Tarot has opened my eyes, sometimes good, sometimes not, but I can say it has affected my attitude, soul is going to be happy!! N E ways, I gotta get ready for work!!...


Hi Marty, sounds like you've got the bug, enjoy:thumbsup:

Remember, it's the journey, not the destination, that's important. If you do, you'll never lose that feeling of awe & inspiration. It's like learning anything new, there will be blasts of progress, & there will be plateaus, so don't beat yourself up when the plateau comes along. And it will. I play flute & I've been in no-man's-land for a few months...but that too shall pass. Glad you're getting so much enjoyment! And this is a wonderful place to learn & grow.


marty said:
Just curious on this one. I'm very new to the Tarot...and totally blown away.

-I'm obsessed..still learning the basics, but have too much energy that isn't being focused on the mechanics. I get stuck a lot!...

-I don't dream anymore. My dreams have always been Crazy Fun Times!! dreams. Maybe one or two a week. On the good side of this, I've really been paying attention to my daily cards and how to apply them to my life. I think I've been working things out, and don't need to dream(but that's kinda sad)

-I think I'm beginning to "live" my life. Focusing on the good and the bad things, my feelings, personality, why I don't get what I want, what stands in my way(because I let it). Tarot has shown me "the writing on the wall".

-I think things out, have a plan, look at my shadow card and what it is telling me.

-It's like a whole new world has opened up to me...and it's been there all along!!

So my answer is: The Tarot has opened my eyes, sometimes good, sometimes not, but I can say it has affected my attitude, soul is going to be happy!! N E ways, I gotta get ready for work!!...
I love your passion, that is so cool!:thumbsup:

Me, too...tarot opened my eyes. It still does. Tarot also gives me a way to heal myself, a means of venturing into other subjects, an infinite focus, a means of relaxing (what some would call a "hobby"), a community (on AT and with local readers), a purpose, and a job.

Excellent advice, canid. Beautiful words, clear and pleasant, like a flute!:heart:

It's true, enjoy the journey. I consider it a privilege to share it with you, marty. Your enthusiasm is a gift.:love:



Your enthusiasm will ebb and flow. Balance is the key lesson here. Finding your personal definition of balance is just part of it.

ETA: Study the Hierophant. Those 5's will always shake you up when you are too settled and the Hierophant as a 5 is a grand view on how to maintain balance w/in that shakeup.

Welcome aboard the Tarot train -- may your journey never end. :D

ETA: It woke me up.


I don't think Tarot has changed my life as such, but deepened it. I also have reason to believe that Tarot is one of the things that is very fundamentally me, if I were to lose it life would be diminished.



Reading tarot has really opened up a whole realm of spiritual growth.... I have been reading people my whole life and just didn't put it together until I started reading the tarot. My friend says I have a switchboard in my head and I am inclined to believe her.... I thought I was crazy for years!!! Tarot has given me an avenue to work through that actually yields answers.


So far, studying the tarot has helped me be more considerate of others. I have a tough time relating to people, so this was more than helpful. Spiritually it has helped me understand that I need to look up after navel gazing for awhile and actually reach out to people who have been in the tradition longer than I have. (What tradition, I have no clue, but I'm still trying to figure out what. :) )


I find it hard to put words to it, so I will just say that my life is richer for it in all ways. Tarot has become a part of who I am.

Le Fanu

Well, tarot has changed my life in that I could so easily have chosen to collect something more expensive and thus be poor.

But also, tarot has changed my life in that I feel so much more able to see forces at work in my life, influences, tendencies and thus feel as though Ive got more of a grip on things. Of course, Id manage perfectly well without tarot and did so for years. I took lots of perfectly good deciisions without using tarot and would do so again.

However, it just gives an added dash of confidence to my perspective on things. And it helps me centre myself. Just looking at the pictures in idle moments. A kind of instant meditational contemplation.

And shuffling helped me stop smoking. Ok, one per day after lunch while I do my card-for-the-day, but Im "virtually" a non-smoker now!

Dusk Till Dawn

After getting the second Deck or so, it made me Appreciate Art in a totally different way. When I look at the Cards, it makes me wonder how some People are so gifted. I give Decks a chance, I didn't think I would like, because I appreciate the Artwork more. It also put's a stop, when I sometimes want to go to far ,to fast. In other words, it helps me settle down a bit..