How many is too many?


[Mods: Please move if this thread belongs in a different section. Sorry!]

This is probably a dumb question to ask, but it was a topic that resurfaces a few times between my friend and I when we browse Tarot cards.

How many decks is too many?

I know there are many users here who have more than one deck in their possessions. I myself currently own three decks and am considering to purchase one or two more due to multiple reasons (ie. I'm addicted to the art). My friend does own three, but prefers one deck as her main and chooses not to add another to her collection for her own reasons.

So how many decks is too many in your opinion? What stops you from getting a deck new or used? And has this topic been already discussed in another thread? If so then I'll just ask for it to be removed :)

There are never ever any dumb questions. And asking is the only way to find out. We all started out knowing nothing and read and asked questions to get to where we are now.

My answer is that, like so many things in Tarot, that is an individual thing. Some people read with only one deck all their lives and for them 2 decks would be too much. For me I now have about 114 and that is not too much for me. I am sjure I will have more eventually. And I use each and ever one.

There is no real answer to that that applies to everyone. What is too many for one person will not be for someone else. In Tarot you need to figure out what works best for you and not try too hard to compare yourself to others. The question is, I think, more not how many is too many in general, which can't really be answered. But many is too many for you. And only you can know that, but listening to your feelings and what it inside you.
