HP and divination


is the high priestess the card of divination in general?

if not which other cards could represent someone who is into divination, astrology, spirituality, mysteries


yup.. The High Priestess can indicate someone into divination and occult.

Even the Magician, Hierophant, Death (Druidcraft Tarot), Temperance, Devil could indicate someone practicing magik.


Don't forget the Hanged Man.



Does anyone ever struggle with the High Priestess as an outcome of a reading? Its like you're not really getting an answer at all, she seems to me more like an advice card. She is a very ambiguous lady!


The Moon can be about divination too - looking into that pool of the subconscious.


The Star I associate with astrology (Ok, I'm not very original :D).


MissCW said:
Does anyone ever struggle with the High Priestess as an outcome of a reading? Its like you're not really getting an answer at all, she seems to me more like an advice card. She is a very ambiguous lady!

Something I have learned with the High Priestess is that she rebels against being confined. I've noticed when she is the outcome, I cannot grasp her meaning, I have to wait for her to come and give freely of herself to me. And when she does I must be alert and ready.....she flows in and out very quickly.



tink27 said:
Something I have learned with the High Priestess is that she rebels against being confined. I've noticed when she is the outcome, I cannot grasp her meaning, I have to wait for her to come and give freely of herself to me. And when she does I must be alert and ready.....she flows in and out very quickly.
Exactly. When she turns up at the end like that, I feel she is telling me - "who are you to ask that it all be laid out for your like butter on toast? You will find out when you are ready to know and receptive enough...and when I am ready to tell you...the truth is inside you already, but you might miss it if you just want easy answers".


thanks everyone, I wasn't that specific in my OP (type and then think lol), what I meant was in general when you go to get a reading be it in any of the divinitary forms - I consider its the High Priestess who you consult - she is like an oracle who has all the answers

Thinking on, what card would the tarot itself be - it's like a book of knowledge so would saying HP be right?

lol, yes Sophie the star is linked with astrology - in my deck the wheel of fortune has all the signs and planets on , so maybe that is connected as well
i wonder if we could match each type of practice with a card

the hanged man could be the runes
temperance, talking to your angels
moon - dream meanings
hermit - shamanism
ace of cups - tea leaf reading
now Im being silly ROFL - just ignore, was the HP mainly I was thinking about


Helvetica said:
Exactly. When she turns up at the end like that, I feel she is telling me - "who are you to ask that it all be laid out for your like butter on toast? You will find out when you are ready to know and receptive enough...and when I am ready to tell you...the truth is inside you already, but you might miss it if you just want easy answers".

oops cross posted
thats a brilliant explanation, i like that, thanks sophie