Hyperactive Decks


OK...LOL... i read with 2 decks. the RW and the jane austen deck. BOTH of these decks, the cards FLY.. JUMP..AND SAIL out of the decks. NOT all the time but alot. i am careful how i shuffle..i am. what can explain this??? also, has anyone had a deck do this? your're shuffling, carefully. all of a sudden the deck splits in two in your hands. like it just splits itself, fast in half. one half in your right hand, one hand in your left. i have had this happen a few times recently. so, i thought this must be the time to read. i layed the cards out and got a really good reading. it was like the deck told me to, "STOP." in mid shuffle and split. i hope no one thinks i am crazy..but it has happened to me. anyone else? and the flying thing. love to here some insight on this!


Lol, don't worry, its perfectly normal! :D I am not sure about the deck splitting in half by itself - but everything else that you describe happens to me too - *jumping cards*, *flying cards* etc. I also pay special attention to them and sometimes i get the answer without ever arrivig to the actual spread itself - the 'jumpers' and the 'fliers' tell me everythig i need to know.
For example, my RWS is mostly a "calm" deck - but on some readings it gets very "excited" and the cards start to jump out! :eek:
Lol, of course i don't think its the deck itself - it probably has something to do with our own biomagnetic field, but after all - its iimportant that it works, who cares what is the exact scientific explanation for it! ;)


Cards usually only jump out for me when I'm breaking in a new deck. I think it is because new cards are stiff and slippery. Once I've used a deck for a couple of years, cards from them rarely fly out on me.

But I always take note of jumpers, and usually, they have something to add to a reading.


Like starry, once I've shuffled the cards enough, the slipperiness and "jumping" will mostly stop. When cards are new they're very slick and slippery and hard to shuffle without them sliding all over the place. When I was new, it was very awkward for me to handle a new deck but now that I'm used to it, I know to expect the slick coating and I don't have so much trouble. It doesn't take me long to break in a deck to stop that because I shuffle my decks so much while watching TV or reading posts here in the mornings.


thanks all. i have my RW deck for a while now. its not slippery anymore, at all. those cards still fly away. sometimes SAIL, up and out of the deck to the table. and, i saw one card recently, when it sailed out, i tried to grab it as it fell to the table, and it spun soooooo fast in my hand to reverse itself..lol..as if to say, " you won't catch me.....before i reverse." like it DEFINITELY wanted to reverse itself before i could catch it. amazing stuff, though! the jane austen deck is new, slippery. i have had literal sailers in that one too. up, out, across the table. more than a jumper, a sailer.


perhaps the deck's size combined with the stiffness of the cardboard is causing all of this. Either way, it seems like the problem is that you do not have much control of the deck when you are shuffling. I had similar problems with the Druidcraft and (to a lesser extent) my Fairytale Tarot. Both were simply to large for my petite hands. However, since my Fairytale Tarot is softer than the Druidcraft, I don't experience cards flying everywhere (like I occasionally did with the Druidcraft).

ETA: Although, I admit, I never had lots of cards flying all over the place...maybe just one or two with the DC. The Fairytale simply had "jumpers." By "jumpers" I mean cards that would just fall out during shuffling.

ladyofhearts said:
also, has anyone had a deck do this? your're shuffling, carefully. all of a sudden the deck splits in two in your hands. like it just splits itself, fast in half. one half in your right hand, one hand in your left.

Do you mean you could split the deck almost perfectly in half without putting much effort into it? I think that's pretty normal when shuffling cards, after awhile. Or do you mean you have a deck in your hands and then without moving your hands the deck cuts itself in half? I have honestly never heard of something like that happening before. Nor have I ever heard of a deck where the individual cards would spin around because they didn't want to be read a certain way.


Sometimes a new deck will have an ever so slight bend one direction or another so that when you start out shuffling them, they'll seem to split in half when shuffled back together, but it's not like Moses parting the Red Sea or anything. :p

And at times I've had new cards kind of spin around on the table for the same reason. It wasn't that they didn't want to be read on way or another, though. Cards aren't possessed or anything. They're just paper and ink. Sometimes the air flow on the table, the slickness of the new cards and the ever so slight "new" bend they have will just make them spin on the table at first.


lol grizabella...moses parting the red sea. well, it was weird. i was shuffling slowly, concentrating and the deck just kind of stopped and split in two. so, i stopped shuffling and read. good reading. the RW deck i usually use i have for quite sometime now, and its not slippery at all. those cards jump and sail out, believe me. NOT all the time. but ALOT of the time. the spinning card. the RW deck again, not slippery at all. all of the other cards were layed out, no probs. that last card just fell out of my hand and literally spun in the reverse position. and, the reading to me was on the money, so i was told. who knows? fun, though!


Hi all....love this type of thread....

I have been using my NAT for a long time over 5 years now.... and occassionally when i do email net(chat) readings, when focusing on the querant , exactly 10 cards jumped out of deck randomly or sailed accross the table I am talking in pairs or in threes from different parts of the deck.....

It has happened a couple of times infront of a querant, freaked her out.....

I have had a couple of jumpers in some of my other decks......and the odd card fly accross wherever i am reading on....lol.. I am talking just one card with a real pertinant message......



I think, also, that if a deck is too large for your hands, the cards tend to fly more. I have a lot of decks, but I tend to reach for my mini decks more often than not (I have a mini RWS and a mini Hanson-Roberts, and several other decks are small enough--like the Zerner-Farber I have--to shuffle much more easily than the larger decks.)

That is not to discount that sometimes I think the Universe sends one sailing just so that you will take extra note of it. Flyers always seem to have relevance to the reading I am doing at the time.