I had a dream, many times


I had a recurring dream when I was a kid. I had it many times. I was climbing on flat cliffs, trying to get somewhere, labouring to move from one cliff to another. All around on the other cliffs were wolves, some of them looking at me. They weren’t friendly but hostile, but I wasn’t afraid of them, I didn’t feel threatened even though I was aware of them and that they were dangerous.

I'm digging through my family background at the moment to solve some serious problems in my life and I remembered this dream. I know this dream is very important. It was a very strong dream and it's the only dream I remember from when I was a kid.

I think I know what it means, but it would help me a lot if others would give me some input on it.



Wolves are pack animals, and have a very strict family hierarchy. Sounds like maybe you were trying to "pull away from the pack," find your own place in the world, and your family didn't much care for it (you were "breaking rank"). Just my two cents...
Many Blessings,


Thanks for the perspective

This dream started to appear when I was around 6 years old. I know that my emotional bond with my family was breaking at that time because of passive/evasive emotional rejection by them.

I'm looking for what made them do this and i think this dream is what it felt like to me. I didn't consciously know that it was happening at the time but I think it's the way my feelings saw it.

I'd be very interested in hearing what others get out of that image because that break has shaped my entire life and has had serious consequences.


to me it looks like you were already realizing that you had to go down your own path and that your family would be far from supportive.. it looks like you could see that they were hostile and you knew that you couldn't conform you HAD to follow your own path. kind ofa they'll leave me alone if i leave them alone, although they were definatly scouting for weak points..


the image of jumping from cliff to cliff, feels like the earth itself has broken apart. the earth is like your foundation. at age 6, to feel separate from your family, would probably feel as if your foundation were cracked or falling apart.

it may be that each cliff represents different aspects and parts of your life. as you tried to move forward, you always had to carefully 'jump' past your family. they made it difficult for you to move ahead, but you managed.

another possibility is that each cliff may represent the separate family members. you may be jumping from one to another looking for a place you belong, a family member with which you fit.

i agree completely with what bodhran and tarotgirljess said about the wolves. this may mean that although you were able to be your own person, you were always aware of your family and their hostility.


How old are you in this reoccuring dream?

If you are always a different age, with a similar setting, that is quite interesting to me.

Sometimes I would trace a similar thread to what I consider a 'pay attention' dream --if stressed, I am usually surviving a rupture or wreakage with some grandparental home. If happy, there's family contact or memories attached. To me, these dreams are a kind of nostalgia mixed with everyday concerns. But my settings and interactions change--I do not have the inner familiarity with one specific environment, as your dream seems to have.

By the way, in my dreams, I also vary in age. The consistencies of your dream images might suggest you do journal writing in small action phrases to describe the sequence of events? Perhaps in writing such things down, you will remember significant items...or something will come into your focus.

Hope the idea is helpful.

Best regards,



I have the sense that the wolves I'm seeing is perhaps not their conscious or emotional attitudes towards me, but more something inside them that I was picking up.

If the wolves are something inside people, what could that be? what would express itself in the image of a wolf to a child?

Does that make sense?


emtional neediness. does your family expect you to feed there ego? a hunger of sorts?

that would make them always hungry always needing you to tell them how great they are ect..

It could be many things, i picked the neediness because of little red, first she had to talk to that dang wolf for a long time THEN when the wolf was ready it attacked....
what could a wolf appear as?
a hunger a swalloming whole of a soul (little red). violence, agression, a kill or be killed mentality.a Join the pack or be alone forever type feeling,
if they weren't making you one of them, they were making it clear you weren't one of 'them' an attack to your ego that you weren't the same as them, you were different, or less than them... did they look down on you a bit? make you feel unimportant? they mattered? you didn't?
hope this rambleing helped.. it sounds liek your family is as joyous as mine
Good luck


Although wolves are very threatening to us, they have a very strong pack and family structure.There is a very clear seperation between the two images of wolves.

One is the fearful approach. Wolves hunt, they have a negative image for killing livestock and they are predators. (Werewolves, big bad wolf)

The other is the thought that they really stick together, that they are more noble and have protecting and nurturing abilities. (Jungle Book, Romulus and Remus).

Wolves like using pyschological warfare to establish who has the upper hand. They use personality and abilities more then size or strenght.

And remember, although they were watching, you did reach what you wanted in the dream, didn't you?



@TarotGirlJess: Ramblings are great, lol - Hunger seems like a good image, followed by words like starvation and hurting from it. I could easily have put those attributes on a wolf at that age. It makes sense when knowing that people in my family avoid emotional contact nearly at all costs (that is where my issue comes from). It's a family of old wounds flowing down the generations like poison, never talked about. Hurt people everywhere, no one showing.

@Kahlie: That made me think. No, I didn't reach anything, it's a "static" dream, an image of a situation. It doesn't progress at all, I just climb around until it's finished. I didn't see that anything was wrong in my family until I started looking at some very destructive attitudes towards other people and the world in general (destructive to me, not to others) that I have. That made me start digging into my own background to find out where it was coming from. I do think that I know where I was trying to go in that dream, even though I didn't reach it then (I didn't stand a chance), my great desire is to go there and leave all this behind, but I need to understand it as much as I can to prevent something more from following me that I haven't seen. That's why the dream is so important to me, what I seeing in it.