If you apply the "strength card to the following what would you get?


i have been wondering something.

If you pull any major arcana from the deck and add the strength card - what would you get? - cards like Hanged man with strength - or Hermit - Devil - World - Chariot - High Priestess - even the Fool

With the Strength card would all the other cards be extreme because "Strength" is inner strength right?

For example the Fool would be in overdrive - all willing and ready to go.


Yikes, that's a hard one. So much depends on the particular card you pulled first and even more so on the question/concern of the querent.

To me, the major arcana are the major life themes/lessons that everyone encounters and needs to learn from in order to become a better person. That's just my point of view. So if I pulled a major arcana and then Strength, I might assume that you (or whoever) will either need or already have the strength necessary to achieve the major arcana's lesson. Or maybe that lesson will make you strong. Does that make sense?

Eg: The Devil + Strength--> You need strength to overcome material temptation.

Emperor + Strength---> Maybe a father/authority figure would teach the querent to be strong, or the querent will find themselves in a position of authority which will either make them strong or require them to be strong.

That's my two cents.


thank you Raya

its funny how you mentioned the devil and strength - I got that once when asking about someone i was keeping company with. It was that turn up that led me to think about "Strength" with all the majors.

I wish I could remember the spread because I would go over to "My Reading" - but it was late that night and I was tired - so didn`t bother even writing it down.

But what did come to me at the time is that this person was using his strength to continue wanting to enjoy himself - but then after I began to think perhaps it could have been using strength to restrain himself - not over doing it. I usually like to go with my first gut feeling - before my obsessing mind takes over:D
Like I said I was tired. Sometimes I get stuck on one card especially when reading my own cards - it will stay in my head for a while.

When thinking about the "Strength" card and the World - I thought that maybe that meant finding the strength to end something.

Anyway - I won`t yammer on

What you say makes sense to me - thanks again:D



What an interesting exercise! You could brainstorm all sorts of combinations, going through a variety of possible meanings. And yes, I do think it makes a difference if you draw Strength+Devil or Devil+Strength.

And to go further - it would be interesting to apply all three virtues to each of the other Majors: Temperance+other Majors (except the other virtues); Justice + other Majors (ditto). Then combine the virtues. Then try and find Prudence/Wisdom in all that ;) Maybe as one of the combinations?


This is a wonderful exercise...

Fool-Strength... learning to control impulsiveness without losing the ability to be spontaneous

Magician-Strength...learning to manipulate without being manipulative and nasty

High Priestess-Strength... the meaning for this would sound similar to the Alcoholics Prayer, perhaps. or facing the unknown in complete faith and acceptance.

That's all for now.


WalesWoman said:
High Priestess-Strength... the meaning for this would sound similar to the Alcoholics Prayer, perhaps. or facing the unknown in complete faith and acceptance.
Thinking about that. I think that might work for Strength + High Priestess. With High Priestess first, before Strength, it could mean using your intuition and deeper knowledge to gain strength, to overcome you own weaknesses, to gain tactical advantage over someone else the gentle way, etc.

Strength + Empress: Finding the inner strength to get up in the morning and look after the kids, even if you feel sick and dog-tired; finding the strength to keep growing, to keep going with a project, finding the strength to be a sexy and alluring woman again after a romantic disappointment, etc.

Empress + Strength: using your feminine wiles to tame someone stronger; love and sensuality as a strength.


I think the Strenght always adds a litlle color of desire with another card, not just one's desire, but "Will", an obstinated card hehe


cosmoline said:
If you pull any major arcana from the deck and add the strength card - what would you get?

If the other card precedes Strength in the Major Arcana, I get adjusting the focus of this other card to stabilise ones spiritual foundation; if the other card succeeds Strength in the Major Arcana, I get using ones spiritual foundation to foster the focus of this other card.


One thing I always try to keep in mind with Strength is that the card itself emphasizes different kinds of strength. The girl uses a gentle kind to tame the lion. So what kind of strength does the situation call for?

Eg: For me, the Magician represents ability of all kinds, so what kind of strength do you need for your own unique ability? Physical endurance? Mental discipline, like buckling down and doing your homework every night? The strength to do what's right?...