If you could be...


I'd love to be in Prague, at the end of 19th century, an undeground sorcerer, tall, dark and mysterious. Of course I'd have my Tarot of Prague with me.

I know it was created only recently, but don't forget I'm great so I wouldv'e thought about it by then.

Oh, I also get to wear a cloak. ;)


I would like to be right where I am now in Michigan, except before it was "settled". That would put me in the early 1800's. I could use the Tarot as my current events. :)


A Musketeer of olde...I like swords. ;)

I would have a small, well-worn deck. It would be hand-painted and one of a kind. And it would contain such magic and knowledge that others would flock to me in the torch-lit taverns I would frequent to divine the futures of their small, dark (but at times, flashy!) lives.

I'd be very cool.


Think me back in the Bronze age, sitting amidst Stonehenge or in Newgrange with the Legend Arthurian (in Stonehenge) and the DruidCraft in Newgrange on a summer solstice day.


I would be a successful pirate captain and inventor. I will have the only ship that has "plumbing" (my descendents will be filthy rich living off the royalties). All my crew would look like my favorite YUMMY celebrities: Ioan Griffuld, Jamie Bamber, Gregory Peck, Christopher Eccelston, Patrick Stewart, Ben Browder, Liam Neeson, Toby McGuire, Christian Bale...etc. There will be enough manual work to make everyone gloriously glisteny! })

I would have a chest full of decks...many made just for me as I have taken the creators hostage and that is how they earned their freedom. }) However they were all treated like royalty so there is no negative mojo. ;)

valeria - argh! :D


valeria said:
I would be a successful pirate captain and inventor. I will have the only ship that has "plumbing" (my descendents will be filthy rich living off the royalties). All my crew would look like my favorite YUMMY celebrities: Ioan Griffuld, Jamie Bamber, Gregory Peck, Christopher Eccelston, Patrick Stewart, Ben Browder, Liam Neeson, Toby McGuire, Christian Bale...etc. There will be enough manual work to make everyone gloriously glisteny! })

valeria - argh! :D
:D Christian Bale... })

I would be a pirate too, living like Johnny Depp :*(or living WITH Johnny Depp;)) in an old ship.... with a worn-out marseilles deck an a bottle of Whisky, next to a tropical island.
What could be better than that?


Johnny Depp! Of course! How could I have forgotten Johnny Depp!?!?

Nothing! Absolutely nothing better!

Briar Rose

I'd be under the bed covers with Jack Wagner and he'd be hanging on my every word, and I would be reading his cards.


HeavensVault said:
I'd be under the bed covers with Jack Wagner and he'd be hanging on my every word, and I would be reading his cards.

Nah, I don't think you'd be reading his cards.



I would go back to anicent Greece and be The Oracle of Delphi (first male oracle lol) and i would just have my Rider Waite deck. or the Olympus deck, since it would fit the time frame!