Independent Oracle Study: Lenormand


Purchased The Secrets of the Lenormand Oracle.

My first step was to simply go through the book and get familiar with the chapters and structure. I looked at some of the lists of combinations, read through the intro, and familiarized myself with the layout of the chapters.

I bought some sticky flags and went through the book and flagged certain chapters and areas. Flagged most of the Secrets, using pencil I wrote in the page numbers for each card, both on the first page and then later in the book where each group of cards is introduced I flagged and numbered those pages.

Now I have tabs for each section of the book, can easily find things and may eventually tab each card, each area.

Purchased a good sized sketch book of blank pages for a journal. Does two things. Allows me a fairly nice surface on which to layout cards (black hard cover or on the white plain pages) and has a spiral binding that won't allow pages to fall out.

Currently simply looking at two card combinations, and I notice something striking right away. Since I am looking at pictures that are much simpler than the Tarot there is less to assume. Hmm. How to put that.

Scarcity of illustration breeds....simplicity. So far since I am a rank beginner I sort of look at the cards and see what I sort of know about that card and then what I think I know about the card and then some associations sort of drift in...

I've been asking simple and not so simple questions and pulling cards. I like to do this with new decks, just sit and ask random questions, pulling cards and shuffling, pulling new cards, new questions, oracular conversations with myself.

Did about four or five questions and pulled two cards, but this before my journal, so didn't record them. All the questions were pertaining to a recent medical issue I was diagnosed with. Hopefully not too serious, osteoarthritis of the knees and potentially my elbows and hips are involved, need further exams to be sure.

Tonight did a couple of two card draws, and then realized on my last question I needed the third card. Just kept feeling like there was more to the story, and I knew that the extra card would be more fulfilling.

Did a three card question and was amazed that one card keeps coming up about this knee issue. I've been testing the oracle a bit, and well, I admit I'm blown away already. Maybe that I'm easily amused or impressed, but truly, this one reading was pretty amazing.

Will post some insights from the journal I'm keeping as I go along.


Place holder.
Not sure yet, but I'm reserving this spot for listing....something.

Golden Moon

Taht's wonderful what you're doing:) I wish I had the time, to bad my patiants is short.

Miss Divine

Glad you discovered how wonderful these cards are Satori. I am a Lenormand addict! They are so to the point and accurate. My ''Secrets of the Lenormand'' is so worn, it's close to falling apart LOL.

Which Lenormand are you using? They're so inexpensive, they are fun to collect.
Because of these cards though, I've atleast for now lost interest in Tarot. That's the only downside though.;)


are you doing a general study or only using this book? if your doing a general study then i would love to join


My focus is on the Sylvie Steinbach book and learning the method she teaches. I'll be using the threads from 2008 when she ran her course here, as well as following my own whims. I fully expect this to take on a life of it's own as is the case with Divination systems, and am open to following this path wherever it might lead.

I won't use anything but the definitions and combinations in Sylvie's book for now, because I don't want to confuse myself.

Sylvie Steinbach

Good job Satori!

I love your assertiveness in your first steps and commitment to study; stick to it and in no time you will blow everyone away... Let me know if there is a big issue that confuses you. I am glad you started this independant thread... I just can't be only me here :)


Hi Satori! I would love to join your independent study! We can even practice our questions together, if you ever need to! I have been studying Sylvie's method since last year! Sylvie's system is great. I only use Sylvie's book method, which is so different from me. When I use the Tarot I do not use spreads , nor do I go by the cards meaning I just go by my visions. Sometimes when I see the cards, the images move, so I always go by what I see.

But that can be confusing often on days, where I am tired and not psychic. So, I decided last year, I would use Sylvie's method only, and stick to it. The readings are precise.

I am so involved with Sylvie's method, and studying before bed each night, last night I dreamed I took Sylvie out for coffee! It was so detailed! hahaha!

Sylvie put much work into the book, then even months into teaching us for free in the study groups, now she is teaching us astrally in dreams! ha! I hope she gets overtime pay for this!

Phoenix Rising

Hi Satori,

Glad you've made the step. I started with Sylvie's method on her "free" virtual workshop. I have never looked back, I had the privilege of having Sylvie in NZ twice running workshops. I've now become a lenormand book (sylvie's) and deck distributor (still on back order) in the pacific rim. It has made a big difference in my life.

Her method has proved itself over and over again. We have also created an exclusive site for her study Lenormand NZ

I wrote a journal, with all the card meanings, and wrote the meaning in my own words. Every deck that I do, I scribble the astrology symbols on it, so that it is programmed into my memory. It is becoming familliar with the symbology and features.

The No Layout spread, is all you need, for specific questions. It is putting a story together, using intuitive processes, and a methodology that if you follow, you can't go wrong.

Good luck in your endeavour.



Getting to know the Lenormand

Still learning to formulate the questions, but last night I asked:

What does my current health issue mean for me, specifically about the osteoarthritis in my knees.

22 Crossroad + 36 Cross + 7 Snake + 2 Clover

I read the first three cards first, and added the last card in. I felt like there was more to the story, and I really felt like there was another aspect to be uncovered that would help me out, so I chose one more card.

What I've noticed about the system, and it could be because of the way Sylvie wrote the book, is that as a single card the cards are sort flat, less dimensional. When the second card is added to the first suddenly there is a new vibrancy that gets added.

Am I thrilled to memorize all of these combinations? Not really. But I see it as a work in progress, and like Tarot, once the momentum hits I see that the combinations will make sense and imprint on the consciousnes/subconscious in a way that might be almost effortless. Will need to see if that fleshes out over time.

The Reading:
22 Crossroad + 36 Cross
painful choices, spiritual crisis, pilgramage
I must see this pain as a pathway. That I must take this diagnosis and work it into my spirituality. I have to decide if I want surgery now or later, and I must understand that is my own journey.

36 Cross + 7 Snake
Critical issues, fears, out of control
I am fearful, no doubt. My mind is not functioning logically, so I need to fall back upon my calm center (tools I've learned as a psychic and on the path) and see the reality of the situation rather than the fear.

7 Snake + 2 Clover
helpful opportunity, repair, solution to problem
Good new is there are options, surgical and otherwise that will aid me. Once my mind has cleared and settled from the second position of fear, new solutions will present themselves. There is a window here, I don't think this is a limitless opportunity. So diet changes may come into play and other things, but this is for me to sort out, not stuff I'm seeing in the reading. Just have to know other options exist.

Things I noticed:
-Cross kept coming up for me. When I was just randomly pulling single cards I just kept getting Cross, Cross, Cross. I actually saw this is as confirmation that the issue was always the same ( it was-I was asking the same question in different ways I think ) and pulling one card was getting me pretty much no where.
Which led me to seeing:
-The combinations are the key.
Obvious right? The whole book is set up to show the combinations, but as this is my journey in learning a new system, I saw the confirmation of why Sylvie set this up like she did. The dimensionality of the system occurs when the cards get to interact, like a community. This was great to see in action, proving that the system was giving me accurate info.

I also saw that I was like a baby. The cards have the information, I kept asking the same thing, the answer kept coming up the same, and I wasn't utilizing the full capacity of the tool. So like a kid pushing buttons on a computer and not knowing what I was doing, I was getting an error message in a way...and I needed to flesh out what I was doing to see what the tool could do.