Intensive Deck Study - My Da Vinci Enigma journal


Well, I thought I might post it here as it might just be of some general interest - it is not too in-depth for people to be able to wade through, I believe! ;)



- VS image, typical “Beggar”-type Fool
- From text, one may infer a certain identification of DV with this particular archetype - i.e. a kind of self-portrait?


- famous SP of DV in his old age
- Image of “The Magician” as Wise Man
- Quote: “...he imparts the skill of artistry".
- Something slightly sad in this depiction of the self haunts me

II. ENIGMA (High Priestess)

- The inimitable Mona Lisa, here imparts her great Enigma which is “immanent & not to be traced” (H. R. Wakefield, “Mr. Ash’s Studio”)
- Of course, of old this “not to be traced” Enigma centers around her smile :)
- “La Gioconda” = “The Playful One”
- My own theory: that he needed HIS OWN FACE as he worked upon it, after the original sitter was long gone (thus the remarked-upon resemblance of his own face to this his favorite of all his paintings)
- Perhaps rejected by sitter/commissioner
- Overall, a mystery in many ways & thus very much so “The High Priestess” of tradition


- Study of St. Anne: or, “the Grandmother”
- The wisdom of the Great Mother is herein reflected
- Connotations of pre-Christianity (brings to mind the Black Madonna)


- Somehow looks like a self-portrait, though it is NOT (he was MUCH younger than the sitter - relative, one wonders?)
- Father-image
- Discipline
- A Fantasy Warrior: perhaps, The Father as a fantasy figure?


- VERY strong image of an older wise-man (study for St. Peter)
- In an, in some ways, benighted age, a very great need is felt for a strong spiritual leader - which could really be ANY age!!
- Quote: “...the revealer of the soul’s destiny through the path of practical experience”.
- Reflected in the strength of the image

VI. TWINS (“The Lovers”)

- Major departure from the traditional image/card connotations
- Associates itself with the star-sign Gemini
- Quote: (DV) “The lover is moved by the object of his love, just as the senses are moved by what they perceive: by uniting with the object of his love, lover & beloved become 1 & the same.” (Ref.: St. John of the Cross, “The Dark Night of the Soul”)
- impersonal destiny
- REVERSED unfortunately describes my love-life to a T :(

This is what I have so far - I will keep posting as I have more.

Looks like this was the wrong place to post this - sorry mods!


Hi blackroseivy! I'm not participating in the IDS, but I recently ordered the DV Enigma deck, and am awaiting its I'll be reading your posts with great interest! I know nothing about DV, but for some reason this deck was calling to me very strongly, so I'm quite interested now in learning more about him and his life.

All the best to you with your IDS!

♥ Kiki


Wow, terrific!! :D It's so great to have someone else wanting to follow along!

The mods have settled the best place for this, & that's good because obviously someone has already found me - thanx Sulis & MeeWah! :D


BRI, do you know of a site that has all the cards for this deck on show? I'm working with the LoS Da Vinci Tarot this week, so I'd like to see what someone else did with this subject.

Da Vinci was absolutely terrible at finishing anything, he had a hop scotch mind and completing a project was just about more than he could accomplish. Fortunately he had a wealthy sponsor so at least we have his notes still.

Is there a book with your deck? Does it mention his relationship with the Visconti's?


bri...It seems the IDS threads are all over the place, it's hard to keep track of where everything is! :)

AJ, you can view all the cards here:
link to complete deck scans removed by forum moderator
(Scroll down in the 2nd column to see links to all the cards.)

The Enigma deck uses Leonardo's actual artwork from his notebooks, while I believe the Lo Scarabeo deck is comprised of artwork inspired by Leo's style.


The book doesn't mention the Visconti anywhere that I am aware, but if I find some reference to it I will be sure & post it. :)


darn it, even on DSL I can't get those images to load.

I misspoke myself saying Visconti, I'm so used to seeing the two names together, Da Vinci's sponsor was the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza, so it is moderately possible he saw the early decks the family commissioned.

All the best with your studies.


I believe he was probably familiar with them - it was Milan where he was, so only likely.

BTW: is anyone interested in doing a card-by-card study like they do for the study-groups? I'm game, though I will be going through them quickly for my journal as I need them to read with. :)


Sure! Sulis has created an index for the DV Enigma study group here. So whenever you start a new thread about a particular card, just PM Sulis to let her know so she can add it to the index. (Thanks Sulis!) :)

Don't have my deck yet, still waiting on the mailman...


Didn't journal today, will have to go on with it tomorrow as time permits; not sure if I will be home all day or leaving for my parents', so it may be another day before I get back to it.