Intercepted house


Is anyone familiar with the concept of 'intercepted house'?

If so, could you explain to me the impact of an ' intercepted house' on someone's character or behavior?

From what I've read, it is pretty much equal to an inability or handicap in expressing as well as utilizing the energy from the particular axis in question. The solution being found in the axis which carries two cusps.

What do you think of it?

I am asking because my 1st/7th house is intercepted while my 2nd/8th axis carries two cusps.

What bothers me all the more is that my moon+ venus are found in 1st house while it is none other than pluto that reside in my 7th house!

Bad enough to have pluto in the 7th : now it has to be in an ''intercepted house'' ...

By the sound of it, I might as well look for a hole to bury myself

Maggie :)

ps : I am posting quite a bit these days... lol


Try using the Equal House system first before trying out the other house systems.

Bee :)


Bernice said:
Try using the Equal House system first before trying out the other house systems.

Bee :)

The equal house system changes E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G- in my chart! I mean I don't recognize myself any more! lol

Could you explain to me why is it that the regular charts don't use the equal house system? Can I rely on that house calculation? What about Koch? and the 'whole signs' house system? ( I kinda like that one...)




Maggiemay said:
The equal house system changes E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G- in my chart! I mean I don't recognize myself any more! lol

Well that's a bit of an exaggeration. All planets remain at their same zodiacal positions and the Ascendant and MC remain at it's their positionsThe first House also starts at the Ascendant, unless you use the original Greek version, in which the first House starts at 0 degrees of the sign in which the Ascendant falls.

Attempts to divide the Houses in terms of equal space or equal time lead to the variety of House systems in use today but the difference from Equal House systems, or each other tend to be marginal, unless you have a lot of planets near the cusps of houses.

There are lots of arguments about the 'Best' House system, I have found that these are largely futile. What matters is finding a House system that 'clicks' with you. Some Astrologers tend to use different House systems for different work, for example many Astrologers use Regiomontanus cusps because Lilly used them. However, it's probable that if Placidus House tables had been readily available, he would have switched to Placidus.

Don't get hung up on House sytems - try delineating charts using three or four systems and see how they REALLY differ, then settle on the system you like most.


Minderwiz said:
Well that's a bit of an exaggeration.
What matters is finding a House system that 'clicks' with you.

;) ... you make me laugh!

I was saying that because the equal house system actually put my planets in the 1st house ( they're at the end of the sign) into the 2nd house which I speaks to me...

Frankly, if I listened to myself, I would use the whole sign system b/c there not only are my 1st house planets in the 2nd house but my third/8th house planets fall in the 3rd/9th house which, I feel, represents me very very accurately.

My only hang-up here is that I have been reading my own chart the regular way ( whatever that means) for sooo long that I almost would feel like a cheat if I switched now.

Thank you for your input,

Maggie :)


There are lots of arguments about the 'Best' House system, I have found that these are largely futile. What matters is finding a House system that 'clicks' with you. Some Astrologers tend to use different House systems for different work, for example many Astrologers use Regiomontanus cusps because Lilly used them. However, it's probable that if Placidus House tables had been readily available, he would have switched to Placidus.

Don't get hung up on House sytems - try delineating charts using three or four systems and see how they REALLY differ, then settle on the system you like most.

This is the soundest advice re. you'll get re. House Systems. However, if you're into 'calculations' there's no law that says you can't create your own one!

You say that with the Equal House you have several planets in the First House - well Maggiemay - your postings are well 'up front' arn't they? You don't hold back.
So....... it could be said that your planets in the first house, as a response to the immediate environment, are expressing themselves very well!

If you don't like Houses you could try the Ebertine system.

Bee :)


Bernice said:
This is the soundest advice re. you'll get re. House Systems. However, if you're into 'calculations' there's no law that says you can't create your own one!

You say that with the Equal House you have several planets in the First House - well Maggiemay - your postings are well 'up front' arn't they? You don't hold back.
So....... it could be said that your planets in the first house, as a response to the immediate environment, are expressing themselves very well!

If you don't like Houses you could try the Ebertine system.

Bee :)

I agree, Minderwiz's advice doesn't confine me to a one single specific ''read'' when looking at a chart.

Yet, here is my dilemma:

With the regular chart, I have planets in the first house and though I hate to admit, having planets ''active'' within the frame of the first house pretty much ''sums me up'' (as you meantioned earlier).

Yet, when using the equal house system, I end up with planets (sun/jupiter/mercury) within the frame of my 3rd house and that also really fits the description of I am ( at least who I think I am lol).

By that I mean, I love to learn, read, chit-chat ect....
(when I was young, I would talk soooo much that the teacher once had to put scotch tape on my mouth as a punishment!) ( She did it in good spirit so I am not traumatized)

Anyways, for right now, I can't make up my mind about which system to use!

I never heard of the Ebertine system... I will look into it as soon as I get a minute.

Thank you again Bernice,

Maggie :)


Maggiemay said:
none other than pluto that reside in my 7th house!
Ouch, haha.

I have heard that when your 6H is intercepted the person very well may suffer health problems. I have always had a problem understanding intercepted houses. I should study more on it.


SpaceCadet said:
Ouch, haha.

I have heard that when your 6H is intercepted the person very well may suffer health problems. I have always had a problem understanding intercepted houses. I should study more on it.

I heard pluto in the 6th house makes for great psychologists! Go figure.

Intercepted houses, are an interesting concept. Usually, it means that the person was not shown in their upbringing how to utilize that energy of the Axis that is intercepted.

Maggie :)


Intercepted houses are a product purely of house systems, which are themselves constructs, rather than 'real'.

The earliest house systems used whole sign houses. So if you were born (like me) with Leo rising, the WHOLE of Leo becomes the first House, even if the Ascendant is at 23 degrees Leo, like mine. the whole of Virgo is the second and so on round to the whole of Cancer which is the twelfth. In that system an intercepted house cannot exist.

The modern equal house system, which has twelve 30 degree houses starting from the Ascendant also cannot have intercepted houses. However once you begin to use equal space or equal time houses, then the possibility of an interception increases, especially as you move further from the equator.

The traditional approach would simply be to treat such a house as having two rulers, the ruler of the sign on the cusp and the ruler of the intercepted sign.

I tend to keep to that view when I do any analysis. I don't see it as a major issue, especially as changing the house system can get rid of it. So how important can something like that really be? It's making psychological mountains out of Astrological mole hills LOL.