

Excellent news. :)


definitely excellent news!!

but , you know, i wouldnt have minded that much if she didnt have a spare one...

delizt was very kind and offered me a replacement from a spare deck, but i would have been cool with making my own too!!!!

(would have made my deck completely special..haha)


Just received the Ironwing full deck.
How amazing it is!
I was already amazed by the Major only version but the full version ... it lets me speechless!
Though I love the colors of the Majors, I do not miss any color in the Minors.

But I see that it will not be easy for me to read with this deck.
I have already some difficulty to recognise all the cards of the Greenwood, but the Ironwing!

Even with the help of the book, it took me the longest time ever to sort the cards :)
It took me much much longer than, some years ago, as I knew nothing about Tarot, I tried for the first time to sort a TDM and was always mixing up Batons and Épees :D

Best regards


jujustar said:
Lorena is sending me a replacement Shaman!

so i wont have to make my own..hehe....

Haha .... weren't you missing the "6 of Poetry" with the deck you had bought just before?

Which makes me now want to double check my Ironwing again although I checked it 3 times already but "never know" .....


Umbrae said:

Oh...and in my opinion...this is a brilliant deck that opens a whole new door into women's spirituality. But only if you want to work and study. Wannanother pretty Tarot deck? Pass on this. Wanna open the blast furnace of your soul?
Not to often do I get chills that run up my spine when I am reading someone elses post but no kiding. You are dead on here. That is what drew me to the deck in the first place. And blast away it does.


Too right. There aren't many decks I'd sell my soul(and so to say my entire collection) to own, but this is definitely top of the list. I'm so glad I got to see it in time to snatch a copy of the majors-only before they were gone too, but I'm still kicking myself yellow and blue over not finding it quickly enough to get a copy of the full deck :(

Never thought I'd be so mesmerized by a deck, but it has everything I've ever looked for and for the first time I've actually found myself loving the minors even more than the majors. As of now it's my second favorite deck, only surpassed by the Greenwood. I love that it's so different and abstract, the perfect coloring, the background story, its shamanistic roots...absolutely everything about it :heart:

flying black kat

I love this deck. I would really love to have a full 78 card copy.


Le Fanu

I love this thread. isn't it wonderful? Opens with members asking whether it is worth paying $90 for the Ironwing, I mean, is it, or isn't it worth the money? :D

Well I have just received mine today and mine is #0. I seem to remember someone saying here that she did a few #0 decks. Is this true? if so, any idea how many? I'm almost certain that there isn't just one #0.

What's a very nice coincidence is that I bought it off zan and it is #0, and my Ironwing Majors are also #0. I had no idea until I opened it. Quite a happy coincidence...


Le Fanu said:
What's a very nice coincidence is that I bought it off zan and it is #0, and my Ironwing Majors are also #0. I had no idea until I opened it. Quite a happy coincidence...

That's extremely coool; clearly, this copy was meant for you! Love it.

Enjoy your new 'friend'. :)


This is the only deck I have worked with since October 2009 - it is the most incredible reading deck. It is my meditation deck, my teacher, my friend and my pathfinder. I may well work with another deck one day, but not until I can find something in any other deck that is lacking in Ironwing, and so far I have not found a valid reason to work with other decks. I still buy them, I still flick through them - but then they go on the shelves.

This really is "my deck" and I cannot imagine my life without it.