Is fanning powder posionous? *cough*


It's interesting to learn this much about the powder. I bought it purely on impulse, I passed a magic shop at the flea market yesterday (like card tricks and sawing ladies in half, magic), and was like "FANNING POWDER! YES". A shady magician type handed me a white jar with an orange label that said "Fanning Powder" on it.

As far as the cat goes? This is the cat that will eat anything that's on the table. This is the cat that ate half of an angel food cake, once. He only got one lick in, before I shooed him away. If I let him go, he probably would have ate the paper bag, wholesale.

I think my biggest issue is that I used too much, and got a nice faceful. It seems mostly harmless. Both I, and the cat made it through the night :)


Lilija said:
As far as the cat goes? This is the cat that will eat anything that's on the table. This is the cat that ate half of an angel food cake, once.
I used to have a cat that hated fish - but loved a 50-50 combination of soy-sauce and lemon juice that I used to use to dress steamed veggies with. My daughter, twenty years later, shared a toffee with another cat. It liked once or twice, then went nuts and went into a licking frenzy. Then the sugar high hit. This was a middle-aged cat - she was racing around the house and bouncing off the walls until it wore off, then she curled up and slept for hours. We laughed a lot - then never gave her toffee again.

As to fanning powder, I wouldn't necessarily feed it to myself or an animal, but in a healthy creature, a single lick probably won't do any harm.

I'd be more worried about breathing it in.

Asbestosis and other lung diseases are not predicated so much on the toxicity of the dusts inhaled, so much as they are on very fine particles making their way first into the lungs, then into the very cells of the lung linings. Some powders are better at this than others.

Don't dust your cards again without protection, a breathing mask or something.