is Knight of Wands a YES?


Actually:) i did a YES /NO reading and pulled Knight of Wands..
If it was just me i would be tempted to consider it a YES....since you all are around i would love to know your take on this....before i actually setlled on a YES...for Knight of Wands?


What was the question or topic you were exploring?

& WHY do you think this would be a yes?

Also do you read with reversals?

A lil more info. would be helpful, before tackling this sort of general inquiry.


What would Knight of Wands of wands come to mean (upright) while considering a YES/ NO question....
No particular situation...i often ask my cards for their advice...
as in ---Do you suggest i do this? is it a good idea that i get into XYZ...
Situation---if you must know---today while asking on one of the projects that doesnt seem very exciting to me to get myself dunked into...i went to cards again...and got--Knight of wands!

lucky star

Personally, I find out of all the Knights, the Knight of Wands is most likely to mean YES. Let me explain: On a personal level, let's take the Knight of Swords. I've found personally, that if I ask a YES/NO question, then this particular Knight means a NO but not in a bad way. An actual situation: One day, I was going to the Citizens Advice Bureau to speak to a solicitor about something. I asked the cards, will I get to see the solicitor today, YES or NO (you see, the Citizens Advice Bureau is always really busy and you don't always get to see who you want to see on the day you want to see them). Once I saw the Knight of Swords, I knew the answer was probably a NO. And although I went to the Citizens Advice Bureau, it just so happened that the solicitor wasn't there that day. So it was a NO, but then again, it wasn't possible for it to be a YES if you know what I mean - almost like a waste of time really? I've had more experiences than this with the Knight Of Swords and I don't know why, but sometimes I get the feeling with him "uh oh".

One way of looking at the Knights is that, whatever the project or question is, because of the nature of a Knight, i.e. loyal, hardworking, on a horse making his journey for God knows how long, sometimes at a fast pace, sometimes at a slow pace, you (or whomever the Knight represents) will do WHATEVER they can to get the job done and will not give up until they absolutely have to - so the drive for a YES is there as in the actual action, but doesn't necessarily mean the outcome is a YES. Do you get the idea of what I mean? Think of a Knight as in a fairytale story - they would die rather than not deliver the message/rescue the damsel right? I'm not saying go out and fight a war, but with the Knights, the loyalty and drive is there, until it's a definate NO. But the NO would in no way be the result of laziness. Hope this helps!



Oh yes most certainly do see what you mean :) thanks nicely put...

I do agree with what you are saying about the Knight of swords... and the moment i read your "oh oh!" i feel, i could immidiately connect to it :) surely does work and the appearance of it kind of indicates that may be its not a good idea to proceed with what you have in mind and you withdraw, like you mentioned "not in bad way" i too do understand them as if saying 'hey just watch you might wanna reconsider that' just as in the incident you explained, may be iam digressing a little bit but i just wanna add most of swords are read similarly to me…

king of swords(very dry yet intelligent-practical) someone who will put you on an per the situation...i read it as saying a YES or a NO depending on the me it varies...
sometimes its more like 'Okay go ahead, but things dont look promising & hold your self responsible' and sometimes--- 'leave it! let go!'
Queen of Swords---No again (cold No, no considerations whatsoever…PLAIN NO)
Page of swords---looks a very strong NO to me (I use RW) like ‘just wont work’

What do you think?

lucky star

I feel KING OF SWORDS in the majority of the time a NO, but maybe if you are lucky a YES.

QUEEN OF SWORDS I always interpret as a YES (she's always worked for me anyway except when she's reversed).

PAGE OF SWORDS is always a NO for me.

But like I mentioned about the KNIGHTS, even if the outcome is a NO, the drive and activity is there to do all you can to make it a YES, do you know what I mean?


:) oh yes lucky star i see what you mean...
lets see where the knight's energy takes me...
And about the Queen of Swords...for me its always been a sure shot NO Lol!
Oh my God...honestly with the kind of NOs that my Queen of Swords has signaled and meant each time...has ben so COLD & CURT...nothing more, nothing less...just NO...haha i CANT even begin to see if she is capable of saying a YES too haha
And for King of swords has been more of an Alert...yes ir a No, to me varies :) with King of Swords...

lucky star

Actually, reading your reply, maybe the QUEEN OF SWORDS is MAYBE A YES for me because on the occasions for me when she was a YES, the surrounding cards were good.


Ahhhh i know what you happens :)
Mine scares me off...the moment i see her i get all glum LOL!
feel lost already haha
funny as it might know most of us dread three of swords(so did i before it came to mean what it does NOW)
At its appearence i just know for sure...iam gonna need no salt or lime to shoot the pain down...and i just know whats bothering me so much, hurting me inside is but a cake walk to pull through and i suddenly feel so relieved and gay...thats the equation card has with us i guess...

lucky star

Oh, I never mind when I pull the QUEEN OF SWORDS, but for some reason (not sure why exactly) I feel a bit edgy with the KING OF SWORDS.

You know you mentioned the 3 OF SWORDS and how people dread it? - I'm like that with the 7 OF SWORDS - in my opinion its a good card.