Is making predictions simply a way to try to control life?


I come from medical background, so I am sensitive to the effect that predictions have on a person when they come from a person they see as authority. It's well known that being in the presence of a person dressed in a white coat, causes many people's blood pressure to sky rocket. and many healthcare professionals misuse this, to influence people, control them, their lives, often for selfish reasons. People that come to a psychic are highly suggestible. When we step into that role in someone's life we have to be wary of becoming an authority in their psyche. When a person goes to a good psychic, is the person being helped or are they just in the presence of someone who's adept at planting seeds in their psyche? What comes first, the chicken or the egg? Perhaps the psychic is adept at using other ways to sense details about their current life, which gives credence to what follows? So that after leaving this person, they dwell on what they shared, drawing it to them. sometimes this happening subconsciously. I don't believe life is set in stone. We have free will, We can choose what doors we open and close. I have had a couple of experiences that felt predestined, but even then I could have opened the door or not. and had i gone to a psychic who had told me about them, it would have ruined it for me. I learned more from those experiences because I was following my inner truth, not someone else's voice in my head. So can we truly predict the future or is that simply a human need, attempt to know what is going to happen, when in truth, life is not predictable. perhaps the only thing predictable about it, is that it is not predictable. esp. when one allows room for the Invisible realm to participate. Predictions are slippery slope. tricky wicket. I don't want to take that risk with someone's else's life, do you? Everyone has got to live their life. Do I have the right to move them in a certain direction? or am I trying to control them? If I attempt to set myself up as authority figure in their life, am I not attempting to take over control of their life? This is what i am struggling with right now as reader. and starting this to hear from other folks. together we maybe can get a handle on this elephant.


A weather report also makes predictions, but you still can't stop the rain. All you can do is take an umbrella when you go out.


but predictions affect thoughts, feelings, emotions of people. more than weather prediction affect weather. you are comparing apples and oranges. weather is not as easily influenced by what we say about it. people are.


I come from medical background, so I am sensitive to the effect that predictions have on a person when they come from a person they see as authority. It's well known that being in the presence of a person dressed in a white coat, causes many people's blood pressure to sky rocket. and many healthcare professionals misuse this, to influence people, control them, their lives, often for selfish reasons. People that come to a psychic are highly suggestible. When we step into that role in someone's life we have to be wary of becoming an authority in their psyche. When a person goes to a good psychic, is the person being helped or are they just in the presence of someone who's adept at planting seeds in their psyche?

Unfortunately , there are people who use these dynamics adversely. There are good and bad people in everything. Its up to the person that uses any other persons services to check their bona-fides and skill and intentions, some are good at doing this, others are not, some of the ones that offer services and are coming from a bad place with that are good at concealing their motives (especially when they themselves are not aware of what they are doing ) , others are not.

With psychics and such, its not like we can ask to see their 'plumbers certificate' or check their registration and qualifications. Also due to the nature of the services offered, in this area some people may be a LOT more susceptible.

What comes first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg. Animals were laying eggs long before the chicken evolved ;)

Perhaps the psychic is adept at using other ways to sense details about their current life, which gives credence to what follows? So that after leaving this person, they dwell on what they shared, drawing it to them. sometimes this happening subconsciously. I don't believe life is set in stone. We have free will, We can choose what doors we open and close. I have had a couple of experiences that felt predestined, but even then I could have opened the door or not. and had i gone to a psychic who had told me about them, it would have ruined it for me. I learned more from those experiences because I was following my inner truth, not someone else's voice in my head. So can we truly predict the future or is that simply a human need, attempt to know what is going to happen, when in truth, life is not predictable.

I agree with the second part, a prediction is about a 'trend' or a likely way things can unfold. But if I know anything, after all these laps of the Sun I have done, it is that life often comes up with the wildest and most unusual outcomes. However, the better we understand, life, nature and her laws and human psychology, the better we can be at 'predicting' likely outcomes.

perhaps the only thing predictable about it, is that it is not predictable. esp. when one allows room for the Invisible realm to participate. Predictions are slippery slope. tricky wicket. I don't want to take that risk with someone's else's life, do you? Everyone has got to live their life. Do I have the right to move them in a certain direction? or am I trying to control them? If I attempt to set myself up as authority figure in their life, am I not attempting to take over control of their life? This is what i am struggling with right now as reader. and starting this to hear from other folks. together we maybe can get a handle on this elephant.

I deal with it by qualifying anything I say with the above explanations. before a reading I tell people I am not psychic and I am not predicting. However that doesnt mean what I may 'see' in the future doesnt come to pass.

Its a subtle art of 'showing a way' and then leaving them to their own outcomes .

I am a big fan of fuschite :)

" If you are a healer of any sort... try to obtain a reasonable sized piece of this stone. There are a number of good reasons why it is a most helpful stone to have in the area where you are seeing clients. The foremost reaons is that often healers so very much want their patients to get better, that they are unable to see the situation clearly.

It will aid you, as the healer... to ensure you do not 'surrogate' or take too much responsibility for any one else's healing.
It will aid you to say 'No' when you hear from clients wanting more from you... particularly time... than you are able or willing to give. Fuchsite will help you to stand back from situations, both mentally and emotionally. Many healers will benefit by its use, by avoiding surrogating and allowing clients to take responsibility for their own healing."

its a very beautiful stone as well ... I have a giant flat chunk of it that seems to have the opposite shape as my chest, it sits there very comfortably when I lie down and place it there.


I think reading cards for someone can be very beautiful. It's a method that facilitates an interaction that might otherwise not happen. Moreover, it's an opportunity for someone to have another person listen and be fully focused on that person's life. Yes, it's a vulnerable state for the querent, but it has the capacity for great healing. The healer/psychic/fortune teller has the ability to really offer something very healing and deep. Yes, it's also about reading energies of a person - if you have them in front of you, it might be even more profound.

As to the original question, yes I do think making predictions relieves anxiety for a lot of us. It does give a semblance of control in a seemingly uncontrollable life. But to me it provides reassurance and gives me a different way and language to think about my life, provide meaning, and reflect.



"However, the better we understand, life, nature and her laws and human psychology, the better we can be at 'predicting' likely outcomes. "

Isn't this still trying to control life? be in control of others lives? Rather than meeting life and don't we manipulate people when we do this? In truth I think we live in times that no one has ever gone through. Truthfully this is true throughout life. (I'm playing devil's advocate in this). The longer I live, the more I realize everyone's life is unique. and what I've learned does not necessarily apply to anyone else. this too, could fall into this.


but predictions affect thoughts, feelings, emotions of people. more than weather prediction affect weather. you are comparing apples and oranges. weather is not as easily influenced by what we say about it. people are.

Of course, it was a metaphor, I didn't mean they are exactly the same thing. But the point is, you can either choose to stay out of the rain (in essence, not participate in life) or you can choose to go out with an umbrella (take whatever precautions are necessary).

Tarot does not make the future, ,it merely tries to predict it subject to the reader's background and biases, so you have in any case a murky picture. It isn't a fool proof oracle, and your own personal responsibility is always paramount. As with any other predictive tool, be it a weather report or economic model, what you do and decide is always your responsibility, as are the ramifications of your decisions.

Some querents don't understand that, but that's their problem (although I do stress that point when reading).


I set intention for the reading to show the person what is most beneficial for them to know at this time. and rarely, if ever have the readings gone off in direction of predicting the future. People are reassured in the readings I do by getting affirmations of natural gifts and talents. and also awareness, new way of viewing the phase of life they are at. ie what are the primary life lessons, and where they are in learning them? ie beginner, child, teenager, adult, adept? Time and time again the feedback I get is wow, this was really helpful, totally different than I expected.

I don't use spreads, the above is the loose framework that the readings consistently take. but it is individualized, tweaked for each person. some people need bolstering, others are ready to delve into shadow work. The tweaking is guided, directed by Presence larger than us.


Well I don't believe in reassuring people, my readings tend to be about issues that need to be taken care of. They unearth problems, something that on one hand might give the impression of a negative reading, but only because certain issues are addressed and not a person's whole life.

I generally don't do predictions either.



"However, the better we understand, life, nature and her laws and human psychology, the better we can be at 'predicting' likely outcomes. "

Isn't this still trying to control life? be in control of others lives? Rather than meeting life and don't we manipulate people when we do this? In truth I think we live in times that no one has ever gone through. Truthfully this is true throughout life. (I'm playing devil's advocate in this). The longer I live, the more I realize everyone's life is unique. and what I've learned does not necessarily apply to anyone else. this too, could fall into this.

I dont see how it is trying to control life when it is just a maybe prediction of what could happen.

Unless we are going to be pedantic about it and say, "looks like rain, I might take my umbrella with me today" and I am trying to 'control' my life by staying dry.

However if I insist YOU take an umbrella with you and I know you are susceptible to other's influences then I have controlled your life (especially if it doesnt rain and you have the inconvenience of that dang umbrella all day ! ).

Why is that paragraph reminding me of my childhood and my mother ? :laugh:

<runs down the street after little ravenest> "Here, you better take this umbrella in case it rains and you dont get wet ... also here are some spare hankies ... and a clean pair of underpants ... in case you get run over . " (okay, I exaggerated the last but there :) )