Is the Hermit reversed ashamed?


I did just that and got the page of pentacles rx??? I don't even know what that's supposed to mean...the person feels that if they don't blind themselves they will lose their hold on things.
The Page/Pent indicates how one feels physically, work, and luck on a small scale. Also, all pages indicate "youthfulness." So when we get pages rx it often means "childish" in a not so good way. So the person may feel like they're being treated like a child, or they may be having a childish moment. Being Pents, they may literally be not feeling well like a kid with the flu. RX could also indicate the person is blaming others for a bit of bad luck, or for his inability to perform. It could indicate a "childish" laziness--like a kid saying, "I don't wanna! It's too hard!" (Because the upright Page/Pents is eager to work, even if he doesn't know what to do yet).
I'm not following. I don't think that if someone is ashamed, they would want to be very social either. I'd think they would want to hide their shame and seek no more horrible truth...
You're putting the cart before the horse. Upright, the Hermit says, "I want to be alone to discover the mysteries..." rx is the bad side of that--misanthropy rather than solitude. "I want to be alone because I can't stand people." It doesn't, however, indicate WHY the person is feeling misanthropic.

That is why I suggested pulling another card. Because there are a lot of not-good reasons for being anti-social. He could be feeling hatred toward people, or fear or depression, right? Which of these is behind his misanthropy? If you'd gotten the 5/Cups, that would have shown some real, adult regret; self-awareness and self-blame--the sort of shame you described. But the Page/Pents rx is far more childish and he may be blaming others for how he feels. He may have felt that someone mocked or humiliated him, and that's why he's hiding away. If he is blaming himself at all for this, then I think it may be a much smaller version of shame than you suppose, and far less mature than "I did wrong." That's what the Page/Pents rx indicates to me, at least; it's "I'm so clumsy and no one likes me!"

Does that make any sense?


Ace Lol No problem, Hanged Man is a bit problematic for me so I welcome the insight :)

Maybe this Hermit rv could be trying to tell you that you're the one who is seeing what they want to see with this card. You seem to strongly feel that he's supposed to be feeling shame so that's the reason you keep getting that card. It may not be saying anything about him at all. The Page of Pentacles is a student and you're a student of the Tarot. You're still in the learning mode.

Hi Gizabella :) If the cards are doing this, it would make me very angry because, I didn't ask them that. I cannot learn if the cards are going to be giving me commentary on my card-reading behavior in the middle of a reading. I really hope that is not the case. I do like when I get a clarifying card that is the complete opposite and the clarifier points me to what aspect of the first card I should be looking at (ex. Emperor clarified by 7 of cups: "LOOK AT THE FOUNDATION THAT THE EMPEROR HAS - THE SEVEN DOESN'T HAVE IT!"). Anything more than a commentary like that would not be helpful at all but your comments are :). I should indeed spend more time with the original meaning before just jumping to something else entirely based almost solely on visual (the visual impression I get counts but I could try to be more balanced). Thanks

Thirteen All of those possibilities make sense and it could be any one of those.

You know, I saw an interesting interpretation on another thread where a user said that they have had the Hermit reversed come up as a significant age difference between two people and I had been getting the Hermit rx in almost every reading for this person without being able to figure out what it meant. Maybe if that is what the Hermit rx is trying to indicate then could it possibly take us to the person thinking, "I'm too old, and this is too hard/I'm too clumsy/nobody likes me, and so I don't like anyone/ the Universe hates me," (though the person is not old, there is just a significant age difference)? I definitely saw sadness there in the Hermit rx, and I can't let that go. Though, I'm not sure how one would get to "age difference" from the Hermit reversed but it is the case here.

(And this is the Hermit. The Hermit can't help but to see - that is his nature, but perhaps like someone said earlier, he is choosing to see what he wants to see.)



Also, it occurred to me that when I get the page of pentacles, I do sometimes think of him studying things from all angles (even though that must be limited because he is a page) reversed, it might make him a shirker, though I don't like that interpretation. He's still the Page of Pentacles, he still has studying in his nature...unless there is a block of some kind...


That is a good interpretation of Page of Pentacles. Rx is NOT the upright meaning. Sometimes it will feel like he is a shirker other times like he is just blocked. See how it feels at the time of the reading.