Is this usual?


Hi all,
its somewhat of a relief to know that the tarot l have worked with for ages is not having some sort of personal vendetta against me!
Last night l spent time with my other decks, sorting through each one and asking which
one felt like working with me. It was tiring but fun and l discovered a deck that l'd bought
ages ago and had never used - The Osho Zen Tarot.
We got on really well together so now l am a happy bunny. My other deck is now taking a long earned rest.
Wrydraven you are so right as is tarotbear that a new deck, new faces to look at etc.
make a world of difference.


My mood, state of mind, can affect a reading. If I'm not able to focus enough or am preoccupied, I don't think this is the best time for me to read. Then other times and I'm feeling "in the zone" and it all clicks together. Since I'm reading the cards, my mood or mindset has to affect what I do, which obviously includes a reading.


Do you read with a deck for some time and then suddenly you look at them and they mean nothing to you.
Does it mean the energies are gone from the cards, can they get over worked. Do they need a rest and will then resume as usual.
Has it happened to you, would like your take on this.

That doesn't happen to me really. I can look at a deck and get nothing, if I am very tired physically and emotionally. But then the issue is in me, not in the deck. It just means i need a time out to get back to myself.

IMO, the energy never is in the deck. The energy and magic when it comes to reading is in you, the reader. You are using your inner energy to connect to something greater that knows the answers via the tool that is the cards.

My take si that when thsi happens it is the reader who needs a rest, not the cards.



Thanks tarot bear and running wild.
Well l do have a few decks but always wanted to finally settle down with one pack. I thought l had cracked it then it happened again, l wondered is it me. I do know of several tarot readers who have used the same deck for years.

For me personally, and this may or may not be your path, I find that using the same deck only for years on end, there is a risk of stagnating. I mean seeing teh same cards over and over so often that you rememver clearly what you saw in each the last time and the time before and the time before. that can make it harder to be spontaneous and see them in original ways.

I have like 114 decks that I use all of them, alternating betwen them all. Things stay fresh over here. LOL

About half are Tarots, Number 114 just came this week and was The Oracle of Visions. Great deck anyway...



Yes sunchariot l have to agree with you, maybe l needed the rest and a new challenge. I seem to be working ok with the Osho Zen tarot that l re-discovered. Nice vibrant colours and a new take 0n tarot.
Am thinking now though its time l had a look at some new cards (any excuse!) problem is l can't see any that l feel l could have a working relationship with yet. Though l have seen some cards that are being created that appeal to me, so maybe l just have to be a bit patient.


I like to over do things until Im disgusted with myself.
It's nice to have a break and explore other things.


I majored in honeymoons in my adult years. I was fabulous with the flirting and honeymooning and such, but then when the real thing started happening, I thought I'd chosen the wrong partner. I thought that I'd fallen out of love. Time to move on.

I was in love with the idea of love and that was the problem. I hadn't learned that a real relationship begins where the honeymoon ends and builds from there. It's sticking with it through the time when you think the magic is gone and pushing through till you develop that smoldering passion that lasts through everything.

It's the same with Tarot. When you think the honeymoon is over, just hang in there with it and push through. You'll come out the other side and then you'll have your deck to last a lifetime with.

Oh, and most important of all, just like with relationships, there's always positive and negative all rolled together. Keep your eye on the positives. Every time your head or heart wants to say "yeah, but there's this-----add negative" then consciously swing your attention back to the positives that caused you to choose this deck (or person) in the first place because those positives are still there almost always.


Does a person really have to "reset" their deck by putting the cards back in order (as they first came) and slightly hit them 3 times to a wooden surface to let go of negative or stagnant energy?


Does a person really have to "reset" their deck by putting the cards back in order (as they first came) and slightly hit them 3 times to a wooden surface to let go of negative or stagnant energy?

No. People do all sorts of things if they find that they think it works for them, but it's not a necessity that everyone do the same thing. I never re-order my decks and never knock them on anything. It's superstition, it seems to me, but power of suggestion works for a lot of people, so if it works for you then it's up to you whether to do it or not.


Oh! thank you Grizabella l have been playing with the Osho Zen and a few other decks, the fun lasted for a few days, then l started looking at new decks but nothing caught me at all. I was itching to get back to my original deck. l picked it up this morning and tentatively did a 3 card reading for myself and joy of joys we are back in harmony. As l said in my first post here, l wanted this deck to be my one and only because l felt such an afinity with it, that is until l hit that blank spot.

Your words are so encouraging and you explained it so beautifully, thank you so, so much, l'm sure this will help others not to give up on their deck when they hit the blankness.

If you were here l'd hug you!! but l send it in spirit.