I've found an online deck that works, is that a problem?


It's true, I've found an online deck I can't avoid that *works* for me--typically I can focus in strongly and get very clear images, stories, sometimes, on the cards I'm choosing.

Has anyone else experienced the same thing? If so, what have you done about it? And if you've bought the deck, have you had as much luck with the clear seeing?

Thank You,


Not sure what you mean by 'what have you done about it?'

I've tried decks out through online readings, then bought the actual deck. It's the same to better. They're the same images and if you read the meaning given online it's the same meaning in the LWB for the deck. When you have it in hand the actual cards are usually bigger so you can see the images more clearly. It's also portable. lol You can look at the whole deck, too, unless you prefer to wait until they show up in readings.

Maybe I'm missing the point of your questions though. Why are you concerned about finding something that works well for you?


Maybe because its origins are online? This might be thought {by some} not to
be a real interpretation of the Tarot. Since the finding of this deck has lead
Marigold's to gaining more knowledge, then i can not see why there could/would
be a problem. Tarot is subjective for a person: to each their own, I say. :): :):
Marigold's is finding enjoyment, personal growth. So that can not be bad. jmho.


Yeah, that's my point. lol If it's not a problem for her, I don't see why anyone else's opinion matters.

It sounds like she is interpreting them herself anyway from looking at the images.

I don't see why it ever would be less effective having the deck in your hands than looking at it online though.


What's the deck?

Demon Goddess

marigold's said:
It's true, I've found an online deck I can't avoid that *works* for me--typically I can focus in strongly and get very clear images, stories, sometimes, on the cards I'm choosing.

Has anyone else experienced the same thing? If so, what have you done about it? And if you've bought the deck, have you had as much luck with the clear seeing?

Thank You,

Who is doing the interpreting of the cards, you or the online service.

I believe that G-d/the Universal energy/the source/Gaia/Goddess, whatever you call the source for Tarot, doesn't care about how you choose the cards, and will randomly (it seems) give you the cards that you are supposed to get.

Forgive yourself for the fact that the deck is online and as my Grandma would say... Just read the cards.

Nothing wrong with it, unless YOU think there is.

btw... where is this deck... I have a friend who doesn't have access to her decks suddenly who could probably use it!



You can read virtually anything--online, offline, picked from the garden or from the stream out back. If it works for you, it works for you, and that's great!

To answer your question, though, I have purchased decks that I've first seen online, and in just about every case, they read better for me "in person"...That is partly because I seem to glean information from not only the images on the cards, but the feel of the cards. I like to be able to pick them up and turn them in different directions so that the light falls on them in varying ways. I also like to meditate over my question while shuffling. That's all part of my process.

Of course, that is how I have always used cards...since way before the computer age...so that is what I find works for me.


(...guiltily slumps in...) It's the MAAT. I think in time I'll have to buy it. I don't see things when I look at the images *on* the cards (I kind of don't bother to, since I see so clearly---feels dumb saying this---from the card backs,) I focus/meditate as strongly as I can while choosing, so all I see/feel are the backs of the cards. My mind's clearer there & less influenced by seeing anything specific...if that makes sense.

: )


hehehe I guess that might be called Matagnomy!

What ever works -works- you might be good at some Psychic studies.
Certainly would have saved me some money- but what about Power outages and web overload?


: ) I think I'd like to do that, Psychic Studies. Should it work, I'd like to do that with all my heart, honestly, Rosanne : ) It sure would give purpose to this clumsy, oft manipulated, big old "human antenna" I've been dragging around for the last 35 years (as of Wednesday : ) ) I read it described once...well, let me get the book to quote really quick:

From "Do It Yourself Astrology" by Lyn Birkbeck

"It is said that the eyes are actually an extension of the brain, but with Mercury in Cancer it is rather as if you have a set of feelers, like a moth...or a crab...that back up the thoughts and feelings around you in a super-sensitive fashion. Because of this you need to take great care how you recieve such information, and not to take everything personally; you also need to remind yourself to look at the facts rather than the people concerned. ..."

(taking things personally got me in trouble on my birthday...I'm still trying to get out of it : ) )

I think I *will* have to buy the set, though, it only seems fair to the artist (everyone I know keeps going, ""$125 for a pack of cards!!!". I wouldn't want to take advantage of her when she's helped me find this aspect of life : ) Rosanne, do you know any good books or ways for getting started?

I just saw this thing on Earth. At first, everything was a mess, eons of nothing but Iron moving about. Then they say once Earth got herself some oxygen she formed the force field around her to protect bother her and us all--the ozone. She kept some oxygen in for herself, the creatures that developed and grew on her and spent some protecting us from the sun's irradiation. They even say that oxygen is so important that when the Spanish went to the Andes, for 50 years they couldnt' have children...the only way they survived was by marrying into Andean families. Why? The oxygen level in Spain (sea level) is 21%, it's only half that in the Andes.

I guess when I heard that I thought---that's what I'm missing. I need to learn to find or build my force field, keep some things in, and keep noxious things out...you know? I think you're on right on target, Rosanne : )

Thank you, all : )