JAN/FEB 08 - Intuitive Oracle Exchange - Silverlyn &


JAN/FEB 08 - Intuitive Oracle Exchange - Silverlyn & Liralen

Hi guys,

Just getting your thread up & running.

Spread for this round:

Since its Valentine's Day in February I thought we could concentrate on the subject of love :heart: ....... in whichever form suits you best ........ and if you're single and not thinking about a partner, then this can also be applied to love for self :)

What energy do you need to leave behind
What energy do you need to embrace
Where these lessons will help take you

Readings & feedback to be completed by February 29 please :)

x Huredriel


Who's my Partner?:)

Hi there.

Wondering who my Partner is/will be?



It's Liralen. Had computer problems & it seems to have taken her name off the thread title. Have put it on again. You're both listed on the sign up thread though :)



Thanks for the update.

Liralen: look forward to reading with you soon!



Hello Silverlyn,

Looking forward to reading with you, too!


Hello Silverlyn,

Here's my reading for you (with the Trust Your Vibes oracle)

What energy do you need to leave behind
Mentors and Role Models
In this card you can see a figure that seems to be caught in a kind of vase or glass.
It seems to me that you are caught up in the energy of poor role models that you had in the past and that are keeping you from having the kind of relationship that you would like. Perhaps your parents' marriage was less than ideal and you are afraid that your relationships will turn out the same way. Or maybe you observe the people around you and have the feeling that their way of living with their partners simply doesn't suit you. Perhaps the traditional way of having a relationship just isn't the right thing for you.
But remember you don't have to repeat anyone's mistakes - you can create the kind of relationship that is perfect for you. No one has to approve of it but you.

What energy do you need to embrace
Make a Note of It
A figure writing in a notebook. The figure is surrounded by angels and a white dove that are touching her and are obviously trying to tell her something.
I think the first step in creating the kind of relationship you want is becoming aware of old patterns and beliefs that you are caught up in. Sometimes we think or react in a certain way without consciously acknowledging that this is just an old habit and that we have the choice to act in another way.
It would also be a good thing if you could make a note whenever you observe something that you like or don't like in the relationships around you. Then you will get a clearer picture of what you want or don't want in your life.
You could also try to find the highest role models that you can think of and replace the old role models with new and better ones. Those role models don't have to be people you know, they can be famous people you admire or even fictional or mythical ones.
You might also want to ask yourself what the highest purpose of a relationship is in your opinion.

Where these lessons will help take you
A figure sitting in a meditative posture. There is a spiral in her centre and she is surrounded by a circle of deep indigo blue.
These lessons will help you become aware that you are not doomed to repeat any negative pattern that you learned in your childhood. You are the centre of your own world and you create your own world.
You will find that you have more strength than you are aware of now and can attract the kind of relationship that is perfect for you.


Wow, what a great, and helpful reading, Thank you very much, I really identified with each and every card you pulled.

I am going thru a relationship issue, but it is more with adjusting to my days-away-from-18-yr old daughter....learning to bend and sway with her as she learns more about herself and living life, etc.... She's going thru a lot with turning 18, and graduating High School this May (gah, what with a couple of her grades, tho, We HOPE!?)...

I'm also becoming busier and busier with trying to figure out what to do for her Bday party and gifts with our temp limited finances the way it is, PLUS afford her Senior Pictures, Announcments, Cap/Gown, Class Ring, etc..etc.. plus get her a car, and she wants to attend College (but only like a night college or tech school at this time)...and she's looking for jobs, etc...

Gah you can see I need to listen to the sage advice your cards give me!

I am going to do your reading with Luman Deck this weekend, come hell or high water, LOL!

BIG HUGS for mine, those Trust Your Vibes cards sound very interesting, might get those one day....



Your 2009 12-month Reading, Huredriel!:)

Huredriel: Even though this is almost exactly a YEAR late, HERE is your Reading...and I did a 12-month Reading for you for 2009 with my Luman Deck!:)

I will add a picture within next couple hours for you if you'd like? Let me know!




In Jan, you may be in the position to where you are feeling another's pain, (be it physical and/or emotional). Just keep up your empathy
during this month and rewards are sure to follow.



This month may find you travelling and in an adventurous way, on a vacation or to a reunion.



You may find yourself this month with memories of younger days, past fun times.



This month may find you experiencing Joy within yourself, perhaps bubbling up for no reason?:)



May could find you experiencing Passion at all kinds of levels from fiery arguments and volatile emotions, to deeply satifsfying love.



Keep your eyes open during the month of June! Opportunites look like they'll be heading your way!



A feeling of complete control and confidence due to some hard-work and planning, may be apparent to you during July. And well-deserved, too! Enjoy it!:)



Aug may show you some simple pleasures in your life, perhaps you'll be simplifying and organizing situations and items in your life.



Sept could greet you with you finding yourself examining why you maybe feeling certain seemingly negative or overwhelming emotions/relationship issues. But it

shouldn't last very long, and a great understanding will present itself.



This could be either a physical journey or more likely of a spiritual nature. Makes sense, following September.



Temptation to doubt yourself, especially after all the hard soul-searching of the past few months. Stay strong this month, you'll do fine!:)



It appears 2009 may be all about reconnecting more solidly to your Intution. All in all, this year will be an enlightening one for you!:)


Ok....I'm alright folks, seriously!

No, I'm NOT losing my mind at ALL, Nope, not me!! Arrggh!

Sooooo sorry, Liralen!!! I've gotten YOU and Huredriel mixed up ALL this time, thinking I owed HER a Reading!

Well then..LET me do YOU within the next few days, then (and it'll be a 12-month spread with Luman if that is ok?:)

God I'm reeaaaallly losing it....just check me into the funny farm!




No problem, I have just returned from funny farm myself ;).