Judgement for someones physical state?


Getting the Judgement card for someones physical state. At first it seemed strange but I'm getting the feeling that it could mean they are treating their body better or are feeling the need to take care of their body more. Or maybe starting to workout more or eat better. Or could it mean that their body is in a new place literally? Not sure.
How you would take it?


They might have had a health scare or other wake-up call (something that happened to them or to someone they know) that made them realize that they need to start taking better care of themselves.


for me, Judgement has come up repeatedly for me when clients needs to pay more attention to how they're treating their bodies, ie, diet, exercise and potential addictions, in order to prevent health disasters. It's got so that every time I see that card come up in a health position, I automatically start saying how important it is right now to do the right thing regarding your health, changing or cutting out bad habits and starting to introduce better habits, to prevent serious health problems later.



Cured. Healed. Crisis has passed.


Well, if I were interpreting it for a health reading, I'd say "it could go either way" as far as the person's well-being. Maybe they're verging on a food addiction problem or morbid obesity or verging on developing health problems from some other cause like sexual carelessness and/or promiscuity. Or maybe if it's someone who is in the hospital already, it could mean they could either get better or take a turn for the worse.

I don't read on health issues on purpose, but sometimes it comes up in the cards when reading for something else. If it does, then I tell the person they need to take better care of their bodies or something discreet like that.

Aw shucks! I got the Justice and Judgment cards mixed up here, so now I'll do it right---that was Justice I was commenting on. Now I'll do Judgment.

Getting Judgment in a reading for health would mean ( to me ) that the person might be on the verge of having an epiphany about the detrimental things they've been doing to their health. They might be paying the consequences of ignoring their health and that's caused them to wake up to the fact that if they want to live, they can't do this anymore.


I would take it to refer to an awareness of how to treat the body, take care of the body for good mental and physical health. This would be things like eating healthy foods, losing weight if necessary, exercise, sleep habits, avoiding smoking, drugs, alcohol, etc. It could be a wake-up call that someone has not been doing these things and it has gotten to the point where the bad habits cannot continue and major change is needed.

An extreme example would be the 50 year old who has a heart attack and realizes he's not 25 anymore and the beer and hamburger habit has to go.


Just FYI, Judgment sometimes comes up for a stay in the hospital.


How that, Thirteen?


BrightEye said:
How that, Thirteen?
It's one of those things I picked up along the way from studies, but it does fit in its way. A person who goes through a hospital stay--and by that I don't mean in and out, but over a while--often reflects on their life, on their future, on what they really are and really want. When they recover, they've not only left that illness or problem behind, like, say, whatever got removed during surgery, but also are a renewed person. They may have realized what matters and left behind what does not.


Thanks everyone. It seems to be what I thought. The person this was for is going through a hard time and I know that he has turned to drugs so hopefully this means that he's had a wake up call about it.