I am not lazy! (Queen of Pentacles)


I was talking to my friend, well actually he was yelling at me about my job situation which he thinks for some reason is not good. He tells me I should go apply other places and I said "no, what for?!" (I like where I am) and he goes "you are so lazy! just make excuses to not do it!" so I got home pretty upset because I may be lazy for some things but not work so I asked my cards how he sees me. I expected a card like 4 of swords, 4 of cups, I dont know even 7 of cups but got Queen of Pentacles. That made no sense because i just heard I'm lazy so I pulled a clarifier. I looked at one of my books and the book reversed meaning has lazy for the Queen. I dont use reversals but can this queen be lazy? I guess if she doesnt do the housework, or her job I can see her being lazy.

ok well whatever I am not lazy :bugeyed: is This Queen Lazy??


I don't know about lazy, maybe satisfied with what she's got which can be interpreted as inertia by more impulsive types.


yea thats true. I am an earth sign and get comfortable in my sorroundings if i am happy there. I am not changing from here to there in months which he actually does so I can see where that might look like I am lazy. but I am just comfortable. I guess I understand why that seems boring to some but the queen is satified where she is and she is a good place economically, at least SHE is satified where she is which I am. Plus I think of myself as liking stability NOT being lazy.


Hi Pao

You will end up with a better work record and references at the end of the day. Companies aren't too keen on someone who has had jobs here there and everywhere for only a few months at a time, they think to themselves well if we take you on how long will you stay, not a very reliable sort?.

They prefer people who are steady and can be relied upon to stick with a company for longer periods, than people who they train then leave.. This is likely to be an asset to you at the end of the day.

You can't be lazy if you are out working in the first place.

le fey

Pao said:
yea thats true. I am an earth sign and get comfortable in my sorroundings if i am happy there. I am not changing from here to there in months which he actually does so I can see where that might look like I am lazy. but I am just comfortable. I guess I understand why that seems boring to some but the queen is satified where she is and she is a good place economically, at least SHE is satified where she is which I am. Plus I think of myself as liking stability NOT being lazy.

I don't think this Queen is lazy - you describe her very well right here. One thing about her is that she's not one to make work for herself just so it looks like she's doing something.

And under no circumstances is it lazy to decline to rush to pursue someone *else's* goals for you unless they are in a position to supervise you.


If he called you lazy, why do you have to draw cards on how he sees you? Of course he sees you as being lazy.

But let me tell you---if he's really a friend, he's not going to be trying to run your life and calling you lazy when you have a job and you're happy with it. What business is it of his, anyway? He's not paying your rent.

Oh, forgot to talk about the Queen of Pentacles. In the upright position, I don't consider her lazy. Laid back, content with what she has, homebody, thrifty, good money manager---those are how I'd see her usually.


Pao, you asked the cards how he sees you, and you drew the Queen of Pentacles. To me, that says he sees you as a capable, hard-working, well-grounded, practical individual. So, no matter if he called you lazy, that is not how he really sees you. He probably, actually, thinks you could do better for yourself elsewhere as far as work goes. He may think you are "selling yourself short" and could make more money or establish more responsibility elsewhere, and maybe he wishes you would see that about yourself, too.

But lazy? No. I don't think he really feels that way.


Maybe it means he sees you as someone with talents you're not utilizing. It's nice if he thinks of you that way, but it also seems kind of controlling for him to be so pushy about it, and especially to call you lazy.

I would never advise anyone to leave a job they're happy and content in. That doesn't make sense when most people in the world, or at least my part of it, seem to be stuck in jobs they don't like. Obviously if you're happy and content there, you're not feeling driven to do something else specific, so unless you know already what else you might like to do, it would just be an aimless sort of job search, wouldn't it?

What he might be seeing is a lack of ambition, which isn't as complimentary. Did you read for reversals? If not then you need to consider the reversal of this Queen, which could be lacking in ambition or even lazy. (And he did say lazy.) ETA: But that's how he sees you. Not how you are.

In that case, I think it may be the friend rather than your job that you may want to consider whether to keep -- or at least his advice. If you don't think you're lazy about work, and you're happy in your job, then what's his problem? Why isn't he happy for you? You say he changes jobs frequently. Maybe he's the sort of person who can't see past his own nose, so he thinks everyone should be like him. Or maybe he envies you liking your job, because he hasn't found one yet that he likes that much. In which case the Queen might mean he sees you as happy and content. Misery loves company. I guess it's a reason to pity him, but not a good reason to follow his advice. :)


The QP is comfortable with her surroundings. So as how he sees you, that all makes sense. Is his calling you lazy possibly a case of transference? You know, he's unhappy with his job and can't or won't make a move to change that fact, so he's taking out his frustration on you, who are happy and comfortable where you are....



If you are happy in your job, and it pays the bills, and you do an honest day's work for your wage, what right does this person have to order you to change, or to consider you lazy? Has it occurred to you that it might just be sour grapes or downright jealousy on his part - he's not happy in his work and/or keeps changing jobs all the time, so he's envious of your stability and wants to disrupt it?

All the Queen Pentacles tells me is that, workwise, you've found your niche for a while.

Perhaps a reading on his motivations for trying to upset you, not your "laziness", needs to be done.