Just got my first mini deck!


And I'm loving it! It's the Tarot of The White Cats and it so cute :) if one is allowed to say that about decks lol!
The images are very colourfull and it's a great size for my smallish hands. The cards are slick, but shuffles beautifully, slick, but not horribly slick like my Gilded. And such a handy size for having in my purse to bring everywhere :)
And I must say the cats are lovely!
So, thumbs up for mini decks!


I have 2 mini decks, the White Cats and the Harmonious Tarot. I haven't used them for readings yet, as I'm still learning with the RWS (taking a class). Taking them out once in a while to admire the beautiful artwork gives me a wonderful sense of peace and calm.


I've had a Rider Waite since I was 16. Just ordered a Mini Visconti.

Le Fanu

I have the mini-RWS, mini-Connolly, mini-Soprafino, mini-Grimaud Marseilles. Don´t really use them. I don´t carry a handbag, so if Im going to take a deck out, it might as well be a decent sized one.

However, as someone with big hands (Druid Craft and BIG Thoth being no problem to shuffle), I consider the "pocket" versions as my minis.

The pocket AG Muller Thoth (thanks Wytchwood; it gets well used!) and the pocket Universal Waite are my "unofficial" minis. And trimmed Scarabeo decks...

I often feel tempted when I see the minis in shops, but I know I don´t use them, so de-enabling is easy now.


I should get some de-enabling on this in the future. I see the minis growing on my wishlist:
Tarot of the Gnomes, Fairy Tarot, Egyptian Tarot; and Tarot of the White Cats keeps popping on and off the list...

But I WANT them!

Is there a list of the pocket decks available somewhere?


I have 6 mini-sized decks!
www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=113186 ETA: posts #17 & 19 make a list

In order from smallest to largest:
Tiny Universal Waite Tarot (no keychain) *this one is best used to lay out the tarot constellations, etc. on a zodiac chart; not to read with*
Mini Connolly Tarot (US Games)

Witchy/Teenwitch mini (LS)
Tarot of the Renaissance mini (LS)
Fairy Tarot mini (LS)
Harmonious Tarot mini (LS)

I love small sizes! I actually play card games with those "party favor" 1.5 x 2.5-inch decks.


I'm a great believer in mini decks. They are smashing! Best thing ever invented in the world of cards. Good for handbags. And yes, I carry one. I have the good fortune of being a woman...


emmsma said:
I've had a Rider Waite since I was 16. Just ordered a Mini Visconti.
They are *{really* mini, like, incredibly tiny. I'm an old bird whose eyes have been well-used throughout my life, and I find it slightly difficult to read with because its so tiny and the wording along the side is in such small font. Great deck, though - you'll enjoy it. It has a terrific (in the dual sense) devil!

I've just bought myself a larger handbag, so that I can carry a couple of regular-sized decks around with me <grin>. I have my priorities straight.

As to minis, I have that same one, a couple of Rider-Waites of various stripes (and two different shrunken sizes! I didn't know they did that!), and one or two decks whose regular size is almost a mini, such as the Granny Jones Australian and the Whispering, both of which I enjoy (one of them enormously).

I'm just starting to explore the opposite end of the journey, the Giant-sized decks ...


nisaba said:
I've just bought myself a larger handbag, so that I can carry a couple of regular-sized decks around with me <grin>. I have my priorities straight.
Lol! I have a big handbag to! Now I can have one regular sized and one mini with me at all times, and still have room in there for makeup ;)


I carry a large handbag, so I could fit in a larger deck if I wanted. I have a mini-Manga deck in there now.

In my larger satchel (overnight bag), I have the Aquarian Tarot, a mini-Art Nouveau deck, the Victorian Flower Oracle and the Wisdom of the Maya oracle.

I have a pocket Hanson-Roberts as part of the Tarot to Go set, but haven't used it yet. I suppose I could cart that in my purse.