Just wondering


A classic question, Luna :).

Can anyone just pick a deck of tarot cards up and read them? I don't think so.

Can some people just pick a deck of tarot cards up and read them? Yes, certainly.

To read tarot without a little bit of study and practice first requires a certain bent of mind, I think. A good imagination. A sense of empathy. The ability to make connections. The ability to see what's in the picture . . . and to "see" between the lines and behind the scenes as well. A good vocabulary helps, too.

Is it a "gift" to be able to read tarot cards? Eh. Hmm. I believe that we all have areas in which we are gifted or more skilled than others, and for some, reading tarot cards comes naturally. Not for many, though.

As with many things . . . learning a new language, or learning to play an instrument, or learning to dance . . . reading tarot is, for most, a learning experience that requires a lot of practice. After all, you are dealing with 78 cards. That's a lot. It takes a while to get to know a deck really well and to get comfortable with it.


I think people with a natural sensitivity - to energy vibrations in their environment or to other people's emotions and signals they send - can pick up a deck and use it with ease.
I also think sensitive people are drawn to various tools - as others have mentioned - various symbols, palm reading, etc.
Others can read tarot, sure; we all can read if we study. I think it is easier if you have to have a flexible mind, a good imagination. One needs to be willing to make intuitive leaps. Not be afraid of saying/telling what they see, what the tarot is "drawing" out of them.