Justice and Queen of Cups as advice


Last week I did a relationship reading for myself (yeah, I know) and in my boyfriend's feelings for me I got the Nine of Swords, when I drew a clarifier I got the Nine of Wands. With the help of many readers, among whom Thirteen, I came to the realisation he is going through a hard time I am that he doesn't -and hasn't- shared with me completely. At least not to the extent of what the Nine of Swords and Nine of Wands imply.

I took a little time to calm down before reading again and today (this was Thirteen's suggestion, which I want to thank her for again) and laid down the two cards and then drew another two to see what I could do to help with the grief and the exhaustion.

Justice came as advice for the Nine of Swords and Queen of Cups for the Nine of Wands.

Justice is a card I only could ever say a couple of words for. It doesn't speak to me much even though I could tell you all the standard definitions.

So after a little bit of thought the best I could come up with was to be fair and see things as they are. Justice is blind after all which is why she can be fair. Right? She sees things as they are vs how someone who is in love might. I still am not very happy with it as advice, I feel it's too little.

As for the Queen of Cups maybe I've got it. I want to go with being loving and supportive and occasionally resorting to my maternal instincts, for this purpose at least.

Any and all insight would be greatly appreciated as this is very important to me.

This is the link to the original thread about the first two cards mentioned:


Justice ‒ Be fair-minded. In a relationship it's very difficult to be objective about things - our emotions and our own needs and desires often override the facts. Being there for him as a friend instead of a partner with her own agenda would strengthen the bond between you.

That and the caring implied in the QC, which you understand, will give you your best result.


Hi Jenster,

I see this is important to you and as nobody has chipped in yet, I thought I'll give it a try. I am not very experienced with tarot so please bear this in mind...

The justice card may refer to the need to pull yourself back from this for a moment. To me justice is all about logic and fairness - a rational pint of view which looks at the situation in a calm way. Are you looking at this calmly right now? The Queen of Cups tends to think with her heart, rather than her head. She sometimes lacks common sense and rationality so if this card represents you at this moment in time perhaps things are not at all as bad as you think? I think I remember you saying that the relationship is long distance at the moment - so maybe he's feelings about you right now are being effected by the distance between you? The Queen of Cups also has a beautiful heart and is highly intuitive - so perhaps the advice is - stay calm and keep things in perspective and use your intuition to help him deal with the burdens he's carrying at the moment. I also remember reading on this site the Sanskrit word "Karma" actually means "an opportunity to make changes" and as karma is reflected in the justice card maybe there is an opportunity for you guys to make some changes in your relationship so you both feel better about what is going on for you both at the moment.

I hope this helps!

Best of luck,


P.s I see Sentient came back to you while I was posting - looks like we are both on the same track.


Justice ‒ Be fair-minded. In a relationship it's very difficult to be objective about things - our emotions and our own needs and desires often override the facts. Being there for him as a friend instead of a partner with her own agenda would strengthen the bond between you.

That and the caring implied in the QC, which you understand, will give you your best result.

It's tricky, isn't it? Ours is one of those situations where I supposed Justice might mean I should be less lenient with him, at least that is where Justice would lead. I let him get away with things and it's not really an effort to be honest, I just understand the stress and pressure he is under. Which is why Justice is confusing. Because to be fair I should be harder on him and my understanding of his situation (details which Justice wouldn't care very much about) is what makes me not say anything.
If this is the case it's odd seeing Justice as advice to counterbalance the Nine of Swords.
But I don't know for sure. Maybe my being so forgiving (so forgiving in fact I let things go without even bringing them up) is not helping neither him nor us.

Perhaps drawing the Queen of Cups for the Nine of Wands reinforces this in the sense that it might suggest to reserve that loving, understanding and nurturing for when he's really worn out, tired, overworked.

Thank you very much for your input! It made me think a lot.


Hi Jenster,

I see this is important to you and as nobody has chipped in yet, I thought I'll give it a try. I am not very experienced with tarot so please bear this in mind...

The justice card may refer to the need to pull yourself back from this for a moment. To me justice is all about logic and fairness - a rational pint of view which looks at the situation in a calm way. Are you looking at this calmly right now? The Queen of Cups tends to think with her heart, rather than her head. She sometimes lacks common sense and rationality so if this card represents you at this moment in time perhaps things are not at all as bad as you think? I think I remember you saying that the relationship is long distance at the moment - so maybe he's feelings about you right now are being effected by the distance between you? The Queen of Cups also has a beautiful heart and is highly intuitive - so perhaps the advice is - stay calm and keep things in perspective and use your intuition to help him deal with the burdens he's carrying at the moment. I also remember reading on this site the Sanskrit word "Karma" actually means "an opportunity to make changes" and as karma is reflected in the justice card maybe there is an opportunity for you guys to make some changes in your relationship so you both feel better about what is going on for you both at the moment.

I hope this helps!

Best of luck,


P.s I see Sentient came back to you while I was posting - looks like we are both on the same track.

Thank you Bluebird, both for the words and the sentiment behind them.

That take on Justice as Karma (and its meaning in Sanskrit) is enormously helpful. I have returned to dedicating more time to my wellbeing and my interests and calmed down a lot as a result. There is nothing we can change, not a relationship anyway, if we don't change our own selves. And perhaps demand more. I don't know. I'm still pondering. But thank you for your input, it really helped a lot.


Thank you Bluebird, both for the words and the sentiment behind them.

That take on Justice as Karma (and its meaning in Sanskrit) is enormously helpful. I have returned to dedicating more time to my wellbeing and my interests and calmed down a lot as a result. There is nothing we can change, not a relationship anyway, if we don't change our own selves. And perhaps demand more. I don't know. I'm still pondering. But thank you for your input, it really helped a lot.

You're welcome and best of luck!