Keying my set of cards


tabi said:
I have never slept with any of them under my pillow though...mostly because I'm afraid I won't be able to find all of them the next morning.
Put them in a bag or leave them in their box... ;)


Are you confused yet? The responses here are a prime example of how to read a card. We all read your request and every one of us took the meaning for something different...and that is just how the cards will be when you start reading. The context will give us the meaning if we but listen.

I love to learn new things so have devoured any number of books, but none are the holy grail and all have something to offer. Keep what you need and forget the rest ~
And enjoy the journey!


red11 said:
Wow, I feel like an idiot. I totally thought you meant "keying" your cards, like someone with a vengeance against you would key your car? Actually make marks in them with a key! :laugh: I was eagerly waiting for replies to this thread, wondering, "Now why in the world would one do that?" :D

Ha, I learned something today....

You and me both, Red!

Personally I like to cuddle up with my deck and just look at each card, one at a time for as many as I feel like at that moment. I did that with my first deck a lot and it seems to work better for me then the deck I tend to rely on the LWB with. I really need to work on my second deck and get it stronger...


everyone finds their unique, personal way to the Tarot, so follow which ever advice rings true with you... none are right or wrong..

connecting with the Tarot, and a particular deck is a wonderful experience..

contrary to others: I find a very detailed examination of each card interesting and deeply connecting for me;; may take days or weeks to go through every card..

::I look at each card ,noticing every detail (I use a magnifying glass for decks with lots of detail, Waite, Thoth etc.)

if you connect with that deck, the process becomes a cherishment, savoring

then do something to make the deck yours personally.. such as sleeping with the cards (in a bag or box), nearby ;; or smuging with incense, or place on your altar or something similar may work for you
if you contemplate 1 card before sleeping, you will often have dreams associated with the meaning of that card..(place the card nearby (if under the pillow, I place it in something protective))

when studying a card; I don't go on until I feel that I've really absorbed it (with Thoth some cards took days, since I looked up all the various/wide/deep attributions) and sometimes a multiple pass approach works better (first time just go through quickly, just look at each card enough to distinguish it from other decks then go on; on the 2nd pass you can look for more details, symbols and thematic links between the cards within this deck etc.

it's not a race, enjoy the process


Kenny said:
Put them in a bag or leave them in their box... ;)

I almost broke my ex-hubby's nose when I was sleeping...I'm pretty sure a bag/box ain't going to help them much. :| (yup unfortunately I'm serious)


tabi said:
I almost broke my ex-hubby's nose when I was sleeping...I'm pretty sure a bag/box ain't going to help them much. :| (yup unfortunately I'm serious)

In a bag in your pillow case?


I have never slept with a deck, or burned incense, or anything else of that nature. I simply spend time going through every card and examining it. I like to see the use of color and symbolism that the artist used when creating each picture. There are many sites that explain color and symbolism that I found helpful. Sometimes a companion book can better explain what the artist was thinking during the process.

I also have developed a short kind of "cheat sheet" that I use when examining a new deck. This allows me to compare what that card already means for me to what this new card is offering. This may be very helpful for the minors and the court cards. (I still don't read with court cards) The meanings of the majors never change that much from deck to deck, as long as the decks are based on the same system. I for one, get really ticked if a deck switches the 8 and 11 on me, but that's because of the numerology aspect.

I think it is very important to bond with your cards before reading with them. There are no right or wrong answers. You are free to decide what will work best for you. I think you are getting some great advice as to what you could try, but in the end it is all up to you!

Best said right here:
AJ said:
I love to learn new things so have devoured any number of books, but none are the holy grail and all have something to offer. Keep what you need and forget the rest


AJ said:
Welcome to the AT forum, this is a wonderful place to soak up a lot of learning. Also to sort out myths and misinformation.

Can you be more specific about what you think 'key a deck' means?
I've not heard of that term, but I've read a lot of odd suggestions related to new decks.

My first thought would be that you write a 'key word' on each card. I wouldn't recommend it myself. The Majors in the deck will have the name of the card on it, the minors will probably (not knowing what you've purchased) have the suit and number on it.
The problem with key words is none of the cards will always mean the same thing each time you use it. For instance in a daily draw of a single card, the card might mean something totally different to you, vs. what that card might be expressing within a spread done for someone else.

Hope that doesn't confuse...

If I were going to jot down key words, I'd do it in a journal of some sort... but with the understanding that I would continue to jot key words, as needed, for any given card. That way, I wouldn't just have ONE word stuck in my mind every time I saw a particular card. I'd have the group of words that I'd built up over time, and which was still evolving... kind of like our understanding of the cards as we gain experience. :)

Briar Rose

You probably could benefit by listening to the Tarot Connection, and by reading as many posts on AT as time permits.

I think there is a whole thread about rituals and decks. And check out the threads on Journaling.

This is home to me.


Well, we don't have baseball on telly and anyway it's called 'rounders' here, but I am with Umbrae- shufflin the cards in front of the telly. I don't get much chance for high ritual with a 2-year-old running round and a husband with about the same mental age, so I tend to adapt to my surroundings, and find that I can achieve a good trance even with the telly on, and that just shuffling is an excellent trigger for such a state of mind which is conducive to reading or connecting with a deck, or other magical purposes.
