King of Pentacles / clarified by 5 swords


Hi all,

I asked for the romantic feelings of a significant other towards me and I drew the King of Pentacles which was clarified with 5 swords.

I'm taking this to mean that they want to provide for me financially/ materialistically but do not feel that they can or face a losing battle in trying doing so (as clarified by 5 swords).


Are do they feel that by giving / providing for me will benefit them materialistically in the long run? I'm going by the 5 of swords self interest meaning.

Am I on track?

As always, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)


This combination gives me the feeling of someone who doesn't want to work too hard to get anything going with you. He tends to be the jealous sort, as well. This could be due to low self-esteem on his part, but he may not be the best choice of a partner for you in the long run--you could end up being humiliated by his actions (or non-actions.)

Is this an established relationship, or do you just hope for one to develop with him?



We are friends who are attracted to each other. However we are going through a communication "stand off" at the moment as we had a fallout over words.

You have described some of his attributes that I recognise & yes they are frustrating!! Yes, he does have self-esteem issues.
I'm happy to keep him on a friend level (if we are able to get over the stand off).

Thanks again for your insight


Just some other thoughts -- this combination says 'selfish' to me. Building what Starry said about the king not wanting to work hard, the guy scooping up the swords in the 5 has won a Pyrrhic victory -- that is one with a dear cost to the victor. Notice how the other people walk away kinda in disgust? Your King of Pents here is not a team player, not very thoughtful. If he "wins" he may be ruthless when it comes to your feelings/the consideration of others; if your situation better fits the images of the 'losers' in the 5, this is someone who's bitter about the past, but too stubborn to get beyond it.