King/Queen of Swords Outcome?


I just did a reading for a friend regarding a reconciliation, and I drew the King of Swords for the outcome if things continue to go the way they are, then drew the Queen of Swords as the likelihood of a reconciliation.

I am thoroughly confused here. Help?


The King Swords is about mastery of thought, of the intellect. In this context, it promises that one or both people will stop looking at the relationship emotionally and start looking at it analytically, and making judgement-calls on whether it is a good thing for them, rather than being swayed by attraction, chemistry or shared history.

The Queen Swords is about sublimating your feelings to the power of your mind: feelings might run deep, but if the client *thinks* about what they really need in life and the realistic chances of being made happy by this relationship, they may choose to be elsewhere no matter how strong their feelings are, just out of self-protection.


As Nisaba said, the King asks the seeker to be honest and logical about the entire situation; and the Queen then suggests it might be better to go it alone--once taking everything into consideration. As far as a reconciliation goes, this pair of Swords courts would suggest (to me) that the seeker may need to sit back and remember why the breakup occurred in the first place--and if nothing has substantially changed, why a reconciliation likely would not be a realistically good outcome.


So basically, I'm assuming it's more or less neutral?

In that context I feel like it's saying, "Hey, if you think this what you want and things have changed, go for it. But think long and hard about it before you jump in"?


Well, the Queen of Swords is traditionally the card of the divorced or widowed woman, so if this is the predictive card of the outcome of a reconciliation attempt, I'd say your seeker will end up alone.


That's incredibly helpful. Thank you guys so much! I'm going through an attempted reconciliation myself (albeit with more hopeful prospects), so I understand the frustration she's going through and I know this won't be what she wants to hear. Of course, nothing is set in stone, maybe this reading will inspire her to make some changes in her life, if a reconciliation is what she really wants. That's one of the things I love about the tarot, it's like a snapshot of your situation and clear insight you can take or leave.


I just did a reading for a friend regarding a reconciliation, and I drew the King of Swords for the outcome if things continue to go the way they are, then drew the Queen of Swords as the likelihood of a reconciliation.

I am thoroughly confused here. Help?

There are SO many ways to read Courts, It depends on which method you use. No one can tell you what your cards you pulled in a reading mean. The cards talk to each of us differently. Only you can know that.

That being said, what they would mean to me:

The King of Swords is about coming to terms with your thoughts inside yourself, learning to deal with any painful thoughts, mastering your thoughts so that you are choosing the most productive way of viewing things,.....inner mastery--of your thoughts.

The Queen of Swords is about two (or more) people working out their thoughts together. The Queens are about sharing, good communication, teamwork, oneness....Working out their thoughts together. EG This is what I think about "X", what do you think? Learning from each other, becoming closer in that way.

So for me, the reading would say that if things continued as they are, each person would work things out inside them, but there would be no real meeting of the minds. They would each work out whatever thoughts they had each all on their own.

Then that a reconciliation is likely or possible only if they are willing to really open up, share their innermost thoughts, and work out all their innermost thoughts together,. It looks like it will be the opening up and sharing that would be the critical factor. And the working together towards a goal in line with a common vision.

But that is just my method. There are so many. I just saw someone on AT a few days ago who had the meaning I had for Queens for their Kings, and the meaning I had for my Kings for their Queens,

In the end, it doesn't matter which method you use. As long as it is true to who you are and want to be as a reader, if you stick to that method you answers will come to you in that format,,,whichever one you personally choose.



That's a really nice take on the dynamic between the kings and queens. It especially makes sense seeing as the king is in the position of the outcome if the advice is not followed, and the queen in the outcome where it is. Either way, there's a lot of thinking and soul searching to do! I think the king and queen really couldn't have been in more perfect positions than they were.