Knight of Pentacles?


Could someone shed some light on the Knight of Pentacles for feelings? In the sense where things haven't ended so great with someone and they're pretty much ignoring you (7 swords and Page Swords have also shown up.) Knight of Pentacles keeps popping up and I've read in other threads that this knight means working towards something, but in a negative sense what does he mean?


Ive had it come up as stubbornness with a plan. Not a big fan of this knight as his main prioities are career and money. If seven of swords was a clerifyer, he is a lone wolf. Page of swords is usually gossip.


Thanks Bluelagune, that cleared things up - and made sense. 'Stubborn' is practically his middle name and it wouldn't surprise me if he was bitching about me to everyone he knows, despite not being able to confront the situation with me. Another one bites the dust! :D