learning tarot from a teacher vs learning from books


is it wise to learn tarot from books or pursue a tarot course??



It Depends (Doesn't It Always?)

Some people learn better from face-to-face interactions. Whether or not you adopt the teachers own interpretations of the cards, it's sometimes easier to learn if the teacher is there to converse with and give immediate feedback.

Other people learn better on their own, absorbing the information in the "bites" that they find easiest to digest in the time they have available.

If you like learning from other people, you'll learn best from a teacher-led course.

If you prefer learning on your own, you'll learn best from books


There is so many ways of learning and different paths, different ways work for different people!

Learning in a class with a teacher, you are getting their instruction. You probably have to invest in this like studying in a school and you will meet fellow tarot learners in the class. It will cost money and you will get the teacher's perspective. Someone once posted on AT that they went to classes with a teacher where you had to learn the cards "their way" and not go their own way and there is bad and good teachers. If you like the school study environment this could be good for you but remember their method or meanings is not the only way, you are allowed to find your own path with tarot (which might be different to the teachers path).

With Books, you have the same thing that different authors have different viewpoints, it's probably easier to use one book at a time but also don't just learn from one book. You can form your own opinions and in your own time and is not as disciplined (or as expensive) as classes. You can do this by yourself in your own time.

I don't think you need to spend a lot of money to learn tarot, you can learn without classes, you can just buy a few books to read and use as reference. There is even free courses to learn online like Joan Bunning's Tarot Course with free lessons.

The key I think in learning is not the source but the using of the cards. If you learn the most basic structure of tarot and then practise and read for other people all the time, you will improve! Experience and practice is the most important. Find your own path and work out what each card means for you. My best learning resource of all was this forum! You might find local tarot groups and associations helpful as well.
Good luck with your learning :thumbsup:


I found that books and a course worked well together. Then I started doing readings for whoever passes by in a public space (for free). It all comes together at some point.

These days, I like to get readings whenever I see a sign in a storefront. It's great to see how greatly talented readers practice with such subtle grace and charm yet in total obscurity. Of course, there are others who are practicing a kind of dark theater but that is also entertaining in its own dangerous way...


When I started in 1972, there were no local teachers (even though it was an urban area) and no on-line anything, so it was books and personal practice for me. Later, I found the Builders of the Adytum correspondence course, but it was esoteric rather than divination-oriented. So my reading evolved on its own. Also, there were only a few books out there on the subject, unlike the relative glut we have now, so I had a choice between Eden Gray and Aleister Crowley in terms of readily-available literature. If I'd had any other option, I would have connected with a "live" teacher and a group class just for the inspiration and encouragement they provide. For me, correspondence courses weren't much better than studying in my own way.


is it wise to learn tarot from books or pursue a tarot course??

Yes :)

Seriously - it all depends on you. I love to learn from books, but other find they need interaction,.


It would be great to learn Tarot from a teacher face to face. But failing that, learning from the books would be the next best way.

Also, don't forget that there are many great web sites and Youtube channels for learning Tarot, Astrology and Occult studies as well.

Le Fanu

For me (and one of the reasons I love learning tarot so much) is that it is the only thing in the world which is not learnt by the traditional teacher-pupil telling me what to think approach. In my mind there is no school of tarot. It isn't geography. There are too few facts. I had enough of being told what facts to inwardly digest at school. University and higher education less so of course, but I think that learning something (tarot) without another person telling me is my delicious little act of rebellion.

Read and sift. Use your critical and intuitive faculties. We should celebrate that tarot hasn't been monopolised YET by those out to make an industry of it but god know people persistently try!


Read and sift. Use your critical and intuitive faculties. We should celebrate that tarot hasn't been monopolised YET by those out to make an industry of it but god know people persistently try!

This is basically what I did, at least until joining AT where I found the outlet for intelligent discourse I had been lacking since the beginning. But the desire for networking was never about being spoon-fed ideas, rather about their free exchange among participants.