Least favorite reading topic?


Relationships. Hands down. Hate them. I don't know if I'm insensitive to them due to my aromantic stance, or because I feel they're so passive in regards to something you'd think someone would be more proactive about.

Any one here have a pet peeve subject? If so, what and why?


"Does he/she love me?"

"What does he/she think of me?"

"How does he/she feel about me, really?"

I don't like reading on those questions because they are (often) born from a place of such insecurity and low self-esteem and fear.

And since I do not read professionally, or for money or compensation of any sort, I am blissfully free from having to read on those topics/questions :).

I enjoy reading on professional questions relating to work and money. I also enjoy straightforward predictive readings -- i.e. "What's coming up in my life over the next [x] weeks/months?"


Relationships, definitely. They can be so fraught (with anxiety, hope, fear, gloom, etc.), like tip-toeing through a minefield.


Relationships are my favorite category. Not just romantic ones---all kinds. The exception is "is my spouse/significant other/fiance cheating on me?

I don't enjoy the business ones or the lotto ones and things like that, but if they come up, I'll do them cheerfully and to the best of my ability.


I like reading on relationship questions. But I don't think people always like me reading on them. LOL It's such a thing of fantasy/fun for people to read on and get readings on, and I don't feed into that fantasy/fun.

I think spiritual topics are tricky, but they don't come up as often. Where someone assumes something that may not be true like "Why am I cursed?", or something like that which I don't believe in, because then I actually have to try harder to put myself in their shoes to understand where they are coming from and interpret a reading without sounding like an asshole calling them crazy. Plus, I just value other people's cores and hope to preserve their lives the way they are, to learn whatever it is they need to learn on their personal path.

Next would be financial matters- never got a lot of practice with those, and it's a weak area in my own life. Health is about the same- not a lot of practice with those.

Following financial/health matters it would be work issues... but even the work readings I do seem to come up more focused on the interpersonal relationships. So relationship questions are really my "thing" I think.

So.. spiritual topics are probably my least favorite. They are the most personal and unique paths for people, and it's hard for me to get my feelers in someone's energy on those.


Relationships, definitely. They can be so fraught (with anxiety, hope, fear, gloom, etc.), like tip-toeing through a minefield.

I agree to an extent. I don't really mind doing relationship readings, but they do tend to be my least favorite. They're usually so emotionally charged that I just fear sometimes that I might have to be the bearer of bad news. And if that in and of itself isn't bad enough there's always the trepidation that they aren't going to handle it well if it doesn't go as they would like.


I've reached a point where I refuse to read about money issues. Whenever anyone asks me about them, I tell them "do I have the face of someone who knows **** about money?" and that usually shuts them up. Money, career, investments; anything having to do with the greens is beyond my capabilities.


I've reached a point where I refuse to read about money issues. Whenever anyone asks me about them, I tell them "do I have the face of someone who knows **** about money?" and that usually shuts them up. Money, career, investments; anything having to do with the greens is beyond my capabilities.
I agree, I actually feel anxious when people ask about financial situations because I feel all the preasure on me and trying to 'help' them with it. I don't even have a financial situation :laughs:


"Read my mind and tell me secrets only I could know while I sit here like a brick wall".

That gets old real quick.


I don't mind doing them if asked, but distant future questions. I know we all ask them, but its kind of hard to get feedback from a reading if its gonna happen in the future and we all know that future is never set in stone ;)

I prefer doing things like people asking info about someone or a situation. its more helpful especially when they could resonate and give feedback from the situation that relates to the reading.