Lenormand circle #1 Phoenix Rising & Sammie

Phoenix Rising

Hi Sammie,

Nice to partner up with you for this lenormand circle. Ok using my pyramid spread, and pertaining to your question concerning your son and daughter in law, and what you can do to make things better.

Situation- #3-ship+9-bouquet+19-tower

The situation shows the move, in which it appears to be a positive move for them, obviously to them it was a more entertaining and exciting place which had more to offer.

The advice/action shows your concern as to not knowing why there is no contact, but if I look at the other combinations, the advice is saying that a trip or journey to see them, and it appears to be a time when there is celebrations, like Christmas, thanksgiving that sort of thing. However you are not sure whether you should make this visit, as you may feel that you don't want to intrude. So you ask how you can make things better, "go see them' a congregation in a time of celebration. The spirit of giving.

Outcome: House, this is obvious "family" it is a time to get together. Other factors indicate some other form of "home and family gatherings" so this is another timing or significant factor. There is a sense that you feel you need to make an "excuse" to travel or go.

So put all concerns aside, "family is family" and shouldn't need any excuses to be together.

Hope this helps



Hi Phoenix,

Thanks very much for this insightful reading. It really has given me a lot to think about. It is true, we just need to spend some time with them and Christmas would be the perfect time.

The dreadful thing is - my husband can never get a long enough period off from work for us to make such a long journey. We've offered numerous times to pay for them to come see us but they are super busy with jobs and school, too.

So, we will have to see what happens. I will write to them again this evening and offer to pay for their trip to come here for Christmas.

It is hard for a family to stay close when they are so far apart. It would make me so happy if we could just e-mail and phone more often.

I really appreciate your reading!

Today, I drew the cards for your reading. I'll post the interpretation and a picture later this evening when I have time to concentrate on writing!



Lenormand Reading for Phoenix Rising

Hi Phoenix,

Here is the Lenormand reading I did for you - a picture of the cards is attached to this post.

The spread I used is one I call the Compass Points Spread or "Which Direction" Spread. A significator card is chosen to represent the area in your life about which you'd like to learn what direction to take or what you should do.

Since you wanted to know in general which direction you needed to focus on - I chose the Crossroads or Paths card to be the significator card. Then I chose four cards and place them like the four points of a compass around the significator card:


The cards are then read vertically and horizontally. The Significator card will always refer to what you meant it to be in the first place - in this reading it will mean the direction to take.

After the vertical and horizontal reading you can also read the four cards surrounding the significator as if they were in a line - starting with the West card.

As I shuffled the deck, I registered in my mind that this reading was for you and about what you should focus on. I thought to myself that the Woman card would most likely represent you if it showed up - however, I always go with my gut feeling on this.

The vertical cards are:

Woman ~ Crossroads ~ Fishes

I think these cards are saying it is time for you to take your own direction into some kind of project - most likely a type of business, which could be the means of income and personal satisfaction for you. If by some chance the Woman card didn't represent you - these cards could mean that you could follow the direction of another woman into a business project. However, my feeling is that the Woman card in the vertical row does represent you and that you need to follow your own direction into a business opportunity.

The horizontal cards are:

Bear ~ Crossroads ~ Dog

To me, this is saying that the strong impetus for this project or business will be because of a friend. Or, perhaps, that a friend will be a large influence in this project.

Reading the surrounding cards together:

Bear ~ Woman ~ Dog ~ Fishes

In this line, my gut feeling is that the woman card doesn't represent you. So, I see this as meaning that the influence of a powerful woman, perhaps a very forceful business woman who has become your friend will help lead to a successful business or money making opportunity.

Since I read your blog almost every day and know how hard you've been working on bringing Sylive's workshop to New Zealand and knowing how much you've learned from her workshop and also just seeing in your readings the increased confidence that you have - I can kind of draw a conclusion from the cards! It looks like now that you've gotten all this business savvy organizing the workshop and dealing with all the problems and hassles and also now that you are more confident in your skills as a Lenormand reader that this might be the time to start into some professional card reading! I know it's something you are interested in doing and I've thought for a long time that you would be good at it - it looks like the cards might be saying the same thing!

It was really a pleasure reading for you!


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Phoenix Rising

Sammie said:

The vertical cards are:

Woman ~ Crossroads ~ Fishes

I think these cards are saying it is time for you to take your own direction into some kind of project - most likely a type of business, which could be the means of income and personal satisfaction for you. If by some chance the Woman card didn't represent you - these cards could mean that you could follow the direction of another woman into a business project. However, my feeling is that the Woman card in the vertical row does represent you and that you need to follow your own direction into a business opportunity.

Wow Sammie, what a great draw, and a job well done in this interpretation, and I think you are right, this is also confirmed by the reading Sylvie had given me too. And I have always wanted my own business, so right on the mark, I also feel that it is right.

The horizontal cards are:

Bear ~ Crossroads ~ Dog

To me, this is saying that the strong impetus for this project or business will be because of a friend. Or, perhaps, that a friend will be a large influence in this project.
I agree, I think a friend or friends (crossroads) will be a big help in pushing me or helping me with it.

Reading the surrounding cards together:

Bear ~ Woman ~ Dog ~ Fishes

In this line, my gut feeling is that the woman card doesn't represent you. So, I see this as meaning that the influence of a powerful woman, perhaps a very forceful business woman who has become your friend will help lead to a successful business or money making opportunity.
Wow, this is interesting, I never thought that I would go into a business partnership, but I think this is pointing in that direction. I'm wondering too if this woman has some financial backing?

Since I read your blog almost every day and know how hard you've been working on bringing Sylive's workshop to New Zealand and knowing how much you've learned from her workshop and also just seeing in your readings the increased confidence that you have - I can kind of draw a conclusion from the cards! It looks like now that you've gotten all this business savvy organizing the workshop and dealing with all the problems and hassles and also now that you are more confident in your skills as a Lenormand reader that this might be the time to start into some professional card reading! I know it's something you are interested in doing and I've thought for a long time that you would be good at it - it looks like the cards might be saying the same thing!

It was really a pleasure reading for you!

Thank you very much Sammie I really enjoyed this reading, and it gives me something to think about, or rather something that I know I need to focus on. I can tell you that, organising for the workshop and the other little wonderful experiences that I have learnt while Sylvie was here, that I am capable of getting into a business venture. Reading maybe one of them or part of it, and I think there might be something else attached to it. So I look forward to that path....Great stuff!!


Phoenix Rising

Sammie said:
Hi Phoenix,

Thanks very much for this insightful reading. It really has given me a lot to think about. It is true, we just need to spend some time with them and Christmas would be the perfect time.

The dreadful thing is - my husband can never get a long enough period off from work for us to make such a long journey. We've offered numerous times to pay for them to come see us but they are super busy with jobs and school, too.
Aah yes i think the combination reading down Tower+book+house, was representing both work and school. I've been thinking about that right side of this particular spread that it could be representing the "cause of the situation" so it has just confirmed my thoughts.

So, we will have to see what happens. I will write to them again this evening and offer to pay for their trip to come here for Christmas.

It is hard for a family to stay close when they are so far apart. It would make me so happy if we could just e-mail and phone more often.
Yes I think it's just the busy lifestyle they lead, that things like emailing and phoning doesn't seem to cross their minds after a busy day.

Have a great day Sammie