Lenormand Game! One Sentence, 2 or 3 Cards


Stars - Whip
Looks like you will have success doing something physical.

Perhaps housekeeping as these images make me think of Cinderella. :p Or housekeeping for a movie star! Or being the star yourself and being an animal tamer.

What loss might I being hanging on to that I can let go of?
That's funny I was just presented with the opportunity to do some physical labor for extra cash. Not exactly far reaching but accurate, moments like this make me love lennies.


anchor + bouquet - something that made you feel really secure and comfortable - perhaps career wise, or even the loss of a female in your life that you really found solid

q: Tell me about X's connection to me now? (his perspective)
Birds, ship

There's a desire for communication and a need to move forward.



Mice - Anchor - Mountain

Looks like some loose ends will be gathered and secured regarding your relationship however there will be something larger to overcome.

Would it be a good idea to go with this party idea?



Could this be pertaining to a choice you had to make in regards to a relationship that you wanted to have work?
This makes me think of a career issue.

anchor + bouquet - something that made you feel really secure and comfortable - perhaps career wise, or even the loss of a female in your life that you really found solid
I do think you're correct about career.

That's funny I was just presented with the opportunity to do some physical labor for extra cash. Not exactly far reaching but accurate, moments like this make me love lennies.
Too funny!
Tell me one thing that will happen by the end of the day.
Man + Lady
You'll hear news of a new couple amongst your family/friends. (and I think it will be one which will surprise you).

Would it be a good idea to go with this party idea?
Fish + Heart
Looks like it will benefit you emotionally if not financially as well.

Advice for December?


Would it be a good idea to go with this party idea?

don't go as a mermaid, it's difficult to walk around with a tail! :D

Advice for December?

Man + Star + Clouds

you may have a lucky experience with a man. Alternatively you may meet or talk to a psychic/ divining/ astrology man, maybe a famous one! Becareful all is not what they may seem with the clouds, maybe they are an addict or a bit moody?

Q. message from the universe


Q. message from the universe

Coffin - Snake

A situation involving a woman or dishonesty will come to an end (I feel this is related to your home life and/or family)

My week ahead?

Lune S

My week ahead?

Fox, moon, bouquet
People at work who really look up to you and admire you will surprise you with something nice, which will make you happy.

Question, What can I do to prevent myself from falling back into the same routine for the coming weeks?


Fox, moon, bouquet
People at work who really look up to you and admire you will surprise you with something nice, which will make you happy.

Question, What can I do to prevent myself from falling back into the same routine for the coming weeks?

crossroads + star

Just make the choice and stick with it, this finishes with success... but make the choice to be successful... It is all you.

q: what is coming up this week with regards to his connection to me?