Llewellyn's Tarot Reader 2006



I'm thinking of getting this... I'm not sure if it almost might have TOO much stuff in it ... I 'm sort of looking for an almanac - at this stage considering one of the Witches ones. Any basic thoughts on this journal would be appreciated. I think I'm probably more after a diary with small amounts of info and astronomical/astrological/pagan connections... this seems more like an 'annual'. Though maybe its worth getting just for that, anyhow....

thanks for your thoughts



To me it's like a Tarot "reader's digest" style book

full of tarot articles that includes--instead of advertisements-- a week-at-a-glance section for 2006.

Funny, I was thinking that I'd just use the almanac section just to take notes on the articles! I've kept my 2005 almanac for the articles.



sounds like it might be worthwhile then...

The format you describe is probably what I meant by 'Annual' - when I was a kid, there'd be the 'the 'Girls Annual' - sort of thing either gender based, or sometimes centered on a favorite TV show or comic - stories, articles, puzzles - you don't see them so much now that there's a milion kids' magazines out there. Though I did get a 'Tweenies' annual last year.

I quite like magazine-style articles - short and easy to digest along with a cup of tea. The trick will be to ration out the articles and not read it all in one go!

thanks for your input.
