Lo Scarabeo 2009


Hello everyone,

I just got back from holidays and back to a Tarot landscape.
It will not came as a surprise that in LS we are late on almost every schedule.
Anyway, the sort-of-definitive schedule for Tarot in 2009 has reached my table.

Right now I don’t have titles, nor images, but just a few hints.
I will update soon, however, as distributors are screaming for information and material.
I’m just sorry that I don’t rally know a lot about most of these decks. This year I was totally out of production, so I’m feeling a bit detached.

Dame Fortune’s Wheel Tarot
This will came probably in the first quarter of 2009. The deck is by Paul Huson
( http://members.authorsguild.net/paulhuson/ )
It is an interesting deck. Beside being very and really cultured, it has – beyond its apparent simplicity – a depth of inner delights. The more I think of it, the more I’m happy there was a way to have it published.

Tarot of the Enchantress Dream
This is a very feminine deck by Marco Nizzoli (author of Secret Tarot). It’s a strange fantasy, moving from erotic to feministic. I love the art, but I still have to feel the whole of the deck.

Tarot of Sweet Twilight
By Cristina Benintende. This would be my pick! Bitter and sweet. Imaginative and deep. Cute but surprising. It’s like a true fairy tale.

New Vampire Tarot
By Davide Corsi. Rather than modern vampires, this is traditional vampires. Expect it to be primal, and impressive. I love most single images, but still I don’t have a pulse of the whole.

Tarot of Princesses
By a new writer: Floreana Nativo. She impressed me with her research and throughness. The Art will be by Severino Baraldi.

Hearth Tarot
By Maria Distefano (she did Circle of Life Tarot): an hearth shaped deck.

And here it is… at least for now.



I hope Sweet Twilight gets released this year finally. I've been waiting for that one to come out.

I'm curious though.....what's a hearth shape? Is it kind of oval? I'm kind of curious about this one...but just curious. I was really excited about the Circle of Life but once I had it......even though alot of the pictures were lovely I found I couldn't read with it at all. And some of the details got kind of lost because the art on other cards was kind of flat. I'd be curious to see the Hearth deck though, because Maria Distefano's artwork IMO had alot of potential that just didn't seem to come through in the Circle of Life.

Le Fanu

Thank you so much for these insights into the forthcoming Lo Scarabeo titles. I like the look of Dame Fortune´s Wheel Tarot.

Just a question Ive been wanting to ask, Riccardo, and I don´t know whether this is the right place to ask, but it is - indirectly - related to Scarabeo new titles, so here goes; Are you planning on any more "Historical" deck issues? Or are you finding that - as there isn´t a huge demand for them - you will invest more in new and contemporary tarots.

Just curious, and wanted to hear it from the horse´s mouth so to speak...

( I love your historical decks, but am aware that there isn´t a big demand... :()


faunabay said:
I'm curious though.....what's a hearth shape? Is it kind of oval?
Or perhaps heart shaped?


I'm quite interested in seeing the Huson - love his book.

Riccardo, you have a PM... :)


I am absolutely delighted that the Dame Fortune's Wheel is getting published.
This deck so deserves it - well done LS for picking it up :thumbsup:

None of the other titles really catches me so far, I'll have to see pictures with them I guess :)


Ooooooh this looks good. The Secret has been my most-used deck since it came out, I'd love to see what Nizzoli has done with his Enchantresses. It's interesting that the New Vampire tarot will have more traditional Vamps than the gothic - are you 100% set on that name?


Wow this sounds exciting!

Did you say "hearth"???????


Hearth? Shaped like a fireplace? :confused: Heart? That would make more sense! :laugh: A hearth shaped deck would be....awkward I think.

I'm very interested and excited in a couple you listed!

Dame Fortune's Wheel is a deck I've wanted to see in print a long time, very happy it's happening!

New Vampire sounds delicious! As someone else mentioned I too would like a name change, that name seems so basic and uninspired. Is it going to very early vampire myths and folktales? Wow! It's going to dark and snister })

The Sweet Twilight and Princessess decks sound quite intruging. I await anxiously for pictures and news of all these! :D

Thank you for posting Ric. I also wanted to mention how much I am loving and enjoying my Dark Grimoire Tarot. IMO it's the best deck I've bought from LoS in a long long time and never expected it to be THIS wonderful!!


Thanks, Ric, for bearing us in mind and bringing the news to us as soon as you could.

I'm another looking forward to the Sweet Twilight ;)

\m/ Kat